Dragon’s Dogma 2 is brimming with characters that you’ll meet, recruit, and even romance. If you want to elevate your friendship with a character to a relationship, then you need to raise your Affinity with them.
In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Affinity acts as the mechanism through which you increase your rapport with characters. You can increase your Affinity with almost every character in the game, ranging from a potential romantic interest to an ox cart driver. No matter your desired beloved, knowing how to earn Affinity in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is essential to your relationships.
How to earn Affinity fast in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The fastest and easiest way to gain Affinity with any character in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is to give gifts. By giving a gift that the NPC likes, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your Affinity with that character.

You can give gifts to any named character in your journey. To give a gift, you only need to start an interaction with your target and select the gift prompt. After this, a new menu will open showing all the items in your inventory that you can give as a gift. Just select and confirm the item, and the gift will be given.
Before you start giving gifts to everyone in Vermund, there are a couple limitations you should be aware of. First, you can only raise Affinity with a character once per day. This means you won’t be able to spam an NPC with gifts to max out your Affinity in just one day; instead, you’ll need to space it out.

Second, every character you come across has likes. As you might expect, you’re going to want to give a gift that falls into the NPC’s preferences if you want to raise Affinity. You can check a character’s preferences by going into the menu, selecting the History tab, and scrolling to your desired character. Both their likes and residence can be found underneath the character portrait.
What does Affinity do in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Affinity signifies your relationship with a given character in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Once you reach high Affinity, you will start to gain benefits specific to the character you’ve pursued. The most common reward will be Ferrystones and Wakestones placed outside of your home.
For characters you can romance, such as Ulrika, reaching high Affinity can lead to romance. Romance is not the sole purpose of Affinity, however, as my favorite use of the mechanic is to get discounts from the various merchants around Vermund. Regardless of the character, it’s always better to have high Affinity.
Published: Mar 22, 2024 8:49 PM UTC