Although dev1ce remained inactive for most of 2022, he successfully came back to the professional CS:GO scene in 2023 and is showing everyone who doubted him after a failed stint with Ninjas in Pyjamas in 2021 that he’s still a world-class sniper. He was one of my biggest inspirations when I tried to be a primary AWPer back in 2017, so I highly recommend you also see what settings he uses.
One of the reasons why dev1ce has had such a successful career in CS:GO and helped Astralis win four Major trophies is because he and his team were ahead of the meta back in 2017, 2018, and 2019 and saw the game like no one else. Even though you’ll most likely not become a lot better thanks to dev1ce’s settings, you’ll find that some of his settings are optimized for AWPers.
Related: ZywOo’s settings, crosshair, and viewmodel for CS:GO
Here is every relevant setting dev1ce has for CS:GO, including crosshair, mouse sensitivity, video specs, and config.
Dev1ce’s crosshair settings
Alpha | 255 | Color | 5 |
Blue | 170 | Red | 0 |
Green | 255 | Dot | 1 |
Gap | -3 | Size | 1 |
Style | 4 | Thickness | 1.5 |
Sniper Width | 0 | Drawoutline | 0 |
You’ll find below how dev1ce’s crosshair looks in CS:GO and the crosshair config if you simply want to copy and paste it into the developer console.

- Dev1ce’s crosshair: cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 5; cl_crosshaircolor_b 170; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 0; cl_crosshairdot 1; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 1; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;
Dev1ce’s mouse settings
DPI | 400 | CS:GO sensitivity | 1.9 |
eDPI | 760 | Zoom Sensitivity | 1 |
Hz | 1000 | Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Imput | 1 | Mouse Acceleration | 0 |
Dev1ce’s video settings
Display Mode | Fullscreen | Resolution | 1280×960 / 240 HZ |
Scaling mode | Streched | Aspect ratio | 4:3 |
Brightness | 95 percent | Color Mode | Computer Monitor |
Global Shadow Quality | Medium | Model / Texture Detail | Low |
Texture Streaming | Disabled | Effect Detail | Low |
Shader Detail | Low | Boost Player Contrast | Enabled |
Multicore Rendering | Enabled | Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode | 2x MSAA |
FXAA Anti-Aliasing | Disabled | Texture Filtering Mode | Bilenear |
V-Sync | Disabled | Motion Blur | Disabled |
Triple-Monitor Mode | Disabled | Use Uber Shaders | Enabled |
Dev1ce’s viewmodel settings
FOV | 68 | Offset X | 2.5 |
Offset Y | 0 | Offset Z | -1.5 |
Presetpos | 3 | Shift Left Amt | 0 |
Shift Right Amt | 0 | Recoil | 0 |
Righthand | 1 | – | – |
Related: Shroud’s CS:GO settings, crosshair, and configuration
Dev1ce’s launch options
- -novid
- -console
- -high
- -tickrate 128
- -freq 240
- -w 1280
- -h 960
- +exec config.cfg
- +clientport 27022
Shroud’s config
The CS:GO config is a file located inside the folder “CSGO” inside “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” on Steam. It contains crosshair, viewmodel, keybinds, audio settings, and multiple other settings that aren’t in this article. You can download dev1ce’s config file and place it in your “CSGO” folder to play exactly like him. In case you have not applied the launch options yet, all you have to do to activate his config is enter the command “exec config.cfg” in the CS:GO console.
Published: May 3, 2023 4:56 PM UTC