Swiftthistle is a herb in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery for Alchemy potions and Thistle Tea. Unfortunately, the price of this herb on the auction house is a bit too high for the average player, and it can be hard to come by.
Together with Free Action Potions and Shadow Protection Potions, Elixir of Lesser Agility and Swiftness Potion are some of the most sought-after consumables during the first phase of Season of Discovery. While the first three elixirs are used for raiding Blackfathom Deeps, Swiftness Potion is great for PvP since it gives you a movement speed boost for a short time.
Since Swiftthistle is such an invaluable herb, here’s how to get it in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
How to get Swiftthistle in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
You can get Swiftthistle by collecting Briarthorn or Mageroyal or by buying it from the auction house. The price of a single Swiftthistle is too much for me, especially since it costs 14 silver apiece. At first glance, the price isn’t much, but when you’re bulk-buying Swiftthistle, that sum can easily go up to a couple of gold.
Instead, you should look to pick Herbalism and farm Briarthorn and Mageroyal. The catch with Swiftthistle is that it isn’t a standalone herb, but it has a chance to drop from Briarthorn and Mageroyal. Brairthorn has a slightly better chance to drop it than Mageroyal.
Best Swiftthistle farming spots for the Horde in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

Even though I’ll regret saying this, I had the most success farming Briarthron in Silverpine Forest as Horde. You can easily find it if you follow the road in Silverpine Forest. I never found a lot of Briarthrons north of The Sepulchre, and that’s why I always start my farming session from there. I stick to one side until I reach Pyrewood Village, and then I move to the other part.
Best Swiftthistle farming spots for the Alliance in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

Alliance players should head to Duskwood. There, follow the road from Darkshire to Raven Hill, move around the Twilight Grove, and then move back to the hub spot. The route for farming Swiftthistle is relatively simple, but it takes a lot of walking.
Published: Dec 21, 2023 10:09 AM UTC