Added with Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5, Trading Post stands are a place where you can buy never-before-seen transmogs, toys, and mounts for Trader’s Tender. The rotation of goods will change every month, but if you have your eye on a specific item and don’t have enough currency, you can always save one item for the next month.
Since Blizzard Entertainment introduced the Trading Posts back at the beginning of February, Wowhead and other WoW-related sites have been diligently data mining and trying to dig out as many upcoming Trading Post cosmetics and mounts as possible.
Blizzard promised to bring back tons of old and no longer obtainable cosmetics in Dragonflight and most likely the main method of putting these items back into players’ hands will be via the Trading Posts. No matter if you’re a refined connoisseur of the rarest WoW items or you just find the latest pet just cute, here are mounts, transmogs, and toys you can expect to see in the future Trading Post rotations in Dragonflight.
WoW Dragonflight Trading Post leaks: Upcoming mounts, transmogs, and more
In recent interviews, Blizzard announced that WoW team is doing spring cleaning of backlogged content and, as a result, we are seeing never-before-obtainable and no-longer-obtainable cosmetics and mounts making their way to the Trading Post. So, this means that the Trading Post rotations will mainly feature old recolored assets that weren’t used, for one reason or the other.
Here are the datamined mounts, transmogs, and toys you can expect to see being sold at the Trading Posts in the upcoming months:
At the moment, we don’t know when will each of these mounts and cosmetics hit the live servers, but we can safely assume that each monthly rotation will be spicy and will feature both expensive and cheap cosmetics to pick up. So, just to be on the safe side, always leave some Trader’s Tender each month aside because you’ll never know what Tawny, Wilder, and Zen’shiri will have to offer.
Published: Mar 29, 2023 9:00 AM UTC