If you want to improve in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, there’s no better way than to head to the closest city and rain down spells on target dummies until you’re out of cooldowns and your fingers hurt from spamming. But this has its limits and WoW players want a new feature added to target dummies that would make practicing rotations much simpler.
On June 26, a player on WoW’s subreddit had the idea that Blizzard Entertainment should add an NPC near target dummies that reset all your cooldowns. Inspired by their recent attempts of trying to perfect the opening rotation of Elemental Shaman, the player said they wanted to start over time and time again until they got it down perfectly.
If Blizzard were to add these NPCs to the training area in Valdrakken, there would be no way for players to exploit this because the city is a sanctuary and you can’t attack players there.
Related: This week’s WoW Dragonflight affixes are so hard, even top players are skipping them
While the devs are at it, one player suggested the devs take measures for combat.
“I’d like them to add something that suspends all combat, too. It’s annoying trying to get my pets to stop engaging, especially as a Demonology Warlock,” the player said. “I have to implode my imps a few times and cancel my Eye proc, only for another imp to spawn. All I wanna do is switch talents!”
This is great and all that, but I’d say the best way to approach practicing in WoW would be by designing special training grounds or a practice tool like League of Legends that allows you to play in the same conditions as you normally do, but with options to reset and tweak basically any element of the game.
If Blizzard could find a way where you could practice dodging and dungeon mechanics on your own, that would be even better.
Published: Jun 27, 2023 11:16 AM UTC