World of Warcraft players have always been known for their wittiness and ingenuity, especially while leveling. Blizzard Entertainment doesn’t want you to do your tricks in WoW Classic Hardcore though and has just rendered one sneaky method that players have used for easier leveling useless.
With the release of WoW Classic Hardcore on Aug. 24, Blizzard has apparently increased the security on the coast of Westfall, adding 15 more murloc mobs to keep Night Elf players back where they actually belong.
WoW Classic players have a special route all Night Elves take when they want to leave their homeland and take on the challenges that Elwynn Forest and Westfall have to offer. This normally entails taking a ship from Darkshore to Wetlands and then swimming to the shores of Westfall to continue your leveling.
Related: Drowning or mauled by yetis: The 5 worst ways to die in WoW Hardcore
Night Elves have always migrated to Elywnn Forest and Westfall in WoW Classic because Darkshore is quite dangerous to quest, especially when only a couple of players are playing this race, and all the cool kids are in Westfall.
If you want to join your friends, you can now take the Wetlands deathless skip by traversing the mountains and then heading to Ironforge. From there you can take a tram directly to Stormwind. Another way is to open your options while in the game, select Support, and select Stuck Character Service. Then, you’ll be immediately teleported to Stormwind and you don’t have to bother with either running or swimming.
Published: Aug 25, 2023 9:53 AM UTC