The Mage Tower was first released in World of Warcraft Legion, giving players the ability to partake in solo class-based challenges for unique rewards. Players quickly latched onto the solo experience, regularly trying their luck in the Mage Tower not only for cosmetic rewards but to increase their prowess in a specific class.
The Mage Tower saw a brief return in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, though only as a part of the Legion Timewalking event. The over-decade-old MMO’s latest expansion, however, is set to fully bring back the beloved Mage Tower with entirely new challenges and rewards.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight‘s Mage Tower is coming along with the expansion’s first major content update, Patch 10.0.5, which is set to release on Jan. 24.
All challenges in Dragonflight’s Mage Tower
The Mage Tower is a solo, class-tailored instance that requires players to complete one of seven difficult challenges. Each challenge encapsulates several classes, putting the mechanics of each respective class to the test. Given its extreme difficulty, players are recommended to hit level 70 before venturing into the Mage Tower.
As with previous expansions that featured the Mage Tower, players will be rewarded with cosmetic appearances and a mount after defeating all challenges in one fell swoop. For Dragonflight’s Mage Tower, players can unlock several Legion-themed appearances and rewards, including the Guardian Druid Felwearbear form, achievements, the Wondrous Soaring Spelltome mount, and other weapon appearances.
Once again, the Mage Tower will feature seven challenges that players must complete to obtain their rewards. Players seeking out the recently updated Mage Tower must venture to War Councilor Victoria at Deliverance Point in the Broken Shore to enter the instance, returning to the Legion Expansion zone.
The challenges include:
- Closing the Eye
- An Impossible Foe
- End of the Risen Threat
- Feltotem’s Fall
- The God-Queen’s Fury
- The Highlord’s Return
- Thwarting the Twins
It is currently unknown whether or not the new Evoker class will receive its own Mage Tower challenge or be assimilated with an existing challenge.
Published: Jan 23, 2023 10:04 PM UTC