Protea Prime has arrived in Warframe, and as usual, Tenno will have to look for Protea Prime Relics all over the system. She’s divided into Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi Relics, and each has its best farming spots.
Protea Prime is a powerful Warframe, combining the skills of time and technology for a fierce assault on her enemies. The base Protea is devastating enough, but her Prime version brings a bit more firepower and a lot more flair to the 44th Warframe.
Arguably, Protea Prime’s biggest advantage is that you can skip her original farming process entirely. Since she released alongside the Deadlock Protocol, getting all parts for Protea requires Tenno to dive into the Granum Void, a minigame-esque activity that appears in specific tilesets and can be tricky to complete enough times to beat the RNG for each part.
Here’s how you can get Protea Prime and all her Relics in Warframe, including the best places to farm them.
All Protea Prime Relics in Warframe

Protea Prime has two Rare pieces, one Common, and one Uncommon scattered over four Relics. One of the Rare pieces is in a Lith Relic this time, which is one of the easiest Relic types to farm. Here are all the Relics containing Protea Prime pieces.
- Chassis: Axi P7 (Rare)
- Systems: Lith P9 (Rare)
- Neuroptics: Neo P6 (Uncommon)
- Blueprint: Meso W4 Relic (Common)
Best places to farm Protea Prime Relics in Warframe
Here are our favorite spots to farm Protea Prime Relics in Warframe. We’ve been using them for years, and it usually doesn’t take too long to stock up on Relics for new frames. The RNG on Relics, on the other hand, is its own beast.
- Lith P9 (Systems): Our favorite spot is Hepit, a Capture mission in the Void that has a nearly guaranteed chance of getting you a Lith Relic and just a 6.67 percent chance of dropping one Aya. This is by far the most efficient Lith farm, which comes in handy with Protea Prime’s Systems being a Rare drop.
- Meso W4 (Blueprint): A great spot is Ukko (Capture, Void) thanks to its 50-50 split between Meso and Neo, but jump to Io on Jupiter for a Meso relic on the first two rounds of this Defense mission.
- Neo P6 (Neuroptics): If you want to focus on Neo Relics, Mot in the Void (Survival) is not stingy with them. Ukko continues to be a great farm because of how quickly you can do it.
- Axi P7 (Chassis): Another of our favorites, Apollo (Lua Disruption) is a good place to farm Axi relics since you can get them on rotation B. Save every conduit for the first two rounds, then reset for the best shot at Axi Relics.

All Protea Prime abilities in Warframe
Protea Prime‘s abilities are the same as the normal one. And if you know how to build and use her kit, she can be devastating in the right hands.
- Grenade Fan: Press to throw three grenades that deal damage to enemies. Hold to throw ordnance that regenerates shields to Protea and her allies.
- The damage and shield restoration are affected by ability strength.
- Blaze Artillery: Press to create a short-lived turret that fires at nearby enemies and gain bonus damage with each hit.
- Strength, duration, and range affect this ability.
- Dispensary: Press to create a dispensary that will drop health, energy, and ammo in a fixed location.
- Temporal Anchor: Protea drops a Temporal Anchor and rewinds to it after a few seconds, replenishing any resources used in that time. If Protea dies, she recalls to the Anchor instead of being incapacitated.
Protea has a few different playstyles. We’re fond of a high-action mix of duration, strength, and range, letting us give shields to nearby allies and use Blaze Artillery to make short work of enemies. You can, however, build her fully into any of her abilities, and even subsume something on her kit. We haven’t added anything to her via the Helminth System, but we would easily remove Temporal Anchor.
Protea Prime vs. Protea differences in Warframe
Warframe | Health | Shields | Armor | Energy |
Protea Prime | 370 | 555 | 185 | 250 |
Protea | 370 | 555 | 135 | 225 |
Protea Prime has small gameplay advantages over the base Protea. They’re nothing game-breaking, and arguably, the biggest impact is the Prime skin (fashion is the true endgame, after all).
Protea Prime has slightly bigger armor (185 vs. 135), which translates to a small amount of damage reduction to Protea’s health pool. The Prime Warframe also has 25 more energy.
Published: May 1, 2024 8:38 PM UTC