Warframe‘s 1999 update lets you build relationships with members of the Hex—and, once Dec. 31 rolls around, you can either remember them going into the new year, or forget about them altogether.
This choice is not permanent. Due to 1999’s cyclical nature, you’ll have plenty of options to remember or forget your companions depending on what you’d like from the game. Regardless, your standing and rank with the Hex Syndicate will never reset, and the calendar will always flip to January 1999.
It’s unclear if your actions will have some narrative impact in the future—though given the KIM system let us dive into detail and flesh out our Drifter’s backstory in detail, Digital Extremes might put a similar feature in the future. You could, for instance, reset your relationships as much as you’d like in-game, but narrate as if your Drifter never reset the loop in your “official” version of your character’s lore.
Here’s what happens if you reset your relationships in Warframe 1999.
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What happens if you forget your relationships in Warframe 1999?

If you forget, all your relationships with individual members of the Hex will be reset to zero after a cutscene. This does not include the Hex Syndicate progress, which persists no matter what you pick. Arthur may not know you two were best friends, but he’s aware you reached Pizza Party.
Thematically, both choices follow the same structure. You still get a New Year’s kiss cutscene (barring some technical issues), and once it ends, you’re back to January 1999. The main difference is your partner won’t be in the Backroom, and your KIM will start blowing up with texts again.
Choosing to reset means the Chemistry grind starts from zero, so get ready to browse the store on your super high-tech POM-2 PC in search of the perfect gifts.
If you didn’t get a kiss before resetting, this might be due to a series of issues that took place during the first reset on Jan. 12. The cutscene doesn’t play for those who hit the Forget prompt after the reset went live but before DE fixed the issue—though devs are working to deliver the missing cinematic to players.
What resets if you forget your relationships in Warframe 1999

These elements reset specifically if you choose the Forget option from your POM-2 PC and are additive to what would revert independently of your choice.
- All Chemistry with the Hex, including romance and friendships.
- If someone has moved to the Backroom with you, they’ll move out as soon as you reset the instance by heading to a new area and returning.
- KIM message history, allowing you to get new texts from the Hex while starting from scratch.
- Break-up and fail flags.
- Normally, if you break up with Lettie, you can’t get back together with her. If you reset, however, you can try to romance the medic as if you’d never split up in the first place.
- Likewise, any dialogue that mentions you and your SO “giving it another chance” after breaking up probably won’t exist unless you break things off with them again.
- Based on our testing, Gemini skin voice lines seem to reset.
The 1999 calendar and any Hex Override bonuses accrued throughout the year always reset regardless of your choice. Likewise, Your Hex Syndicate standing, level, and progress never go back to zero, even if you forget. Your Backroom also stays just as you left it.
What happens if you remember your relationships in Warframe 1999?

If you’d like to remember the good times shared with the Hex or just keep your significant other with you, you have the option of not resetting. You’ll keep your Chemistry and progress with any Hex members, and whoever you romanced will still be in the Backroom. You won’t get any new KIM messages, though, and your calendar will still go back to January as intended. Any gifts may also be restocked.
Can you still reset your relationship later?
If you didn’t reset your relationships the first time around but would like to in the future, you can do so in the next in-game New Year’s event. Each season in Höllvania’s calendar corresponds to one week in real life, so you can switch partners around every four weeks. Miss the prompt, and all you have to do is wait a little under a month.
Of course, when you do, you’ll still face a clean slate with some of 1999’s mechanics. Until then, enjoy the company your loved one(s) in your Backroom and make the most out of your Gemini skin, if you have it.
Published: Jan 13, 2025 04:30 pm