Riot Games dropped huge news on May 30, featuring a shift in Teamfight Tactics tournaments on a global scale from streaming to LAN with the first ever Set 10 Las Vegas LAN event in December.
Big changes are coming to TFT with the launch of Set 10, dropping Mid-Set updates in exchange for more sets released throughout the year. The launch of Set 10 will also bring about the first global LAN event for the auto battler, showcasing 512 Tacticains from the nine regions in Las Vegas from Dec. 8 to 10.
“We want the future of TFT esports to embody approachability and diversity of skill,” global head Michael Sherman said. “To achieve this, we are expanding our esports events and opening more of them to anyone who wants to compete.”
It is unknown at the time of writing whether the Vegas ‘for fun’ LAN event will carry over into more serious tournaments like Worlds. The Monsters’ Attack World Championship took place over the weekend, featuring the first North American player, Rereplay, to earn the Worlds title for the region. Regions like China and EMEA had players in the studio while the other regional players competed from their respective homes and countries.
Details for prospective competitors are slated to get released closer to the LAN events date, with priority given to TFT players atop their regional Set Nine ladder Rankings. The Set 10 Las Vegas LAN event plans to show off the new auto battler set while also showcasing a Tactician’s ability to pilot a new set as opposed to relying upon skill and hundreds of hours picking apart the meta.
Players can start Ranking up the ladder in their respective regions with the launch of Set Nine, which is scheduled to run for six months and have a Mid-Set update.
Published: May 30, 2023 4:39 PM UTC