The first round of Teamfight Tactics PBE balance changes will take place today for Set Seven Dragonlands, focusing mostly on nerfs and buffs to champions, along with several bug fixes that were impacting gameplay.
Yesterday was the first day of PBE testing for TFT Set Seven, resulting in lengthy queue time waits for players to test out the new set. The team was still able to get sufficient feedback and testing, though, putting together the first round of Drangonlands updates that will go live around shortly after 3pm CT today, according to game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer.
A majority of the TFT Set Seven champion nerfs and buffs were minor, like increasing the attack damage on Tristana and Yone by five. A nerf to Vladimir, however, will impact Astral Dragonlands comps. Vladimir will have his spell damage and spell healing nerfed at two and three-star, toning down the frontline tank during the mid and late-game stages.
Shyvana will get a significant buff to her initial spell damage across the board. And Yasuo is getting a minor buff to his shield. Shi Oh Yu is slated to get several adjustments, from no longer knocking up units that are immune to stuns to now preventing movement for the cast duration of the Taunt.
Jade and Shimmerscale were the only traits targeted for balance changes today. Philosopher’s Stone from the Shimmerscale trait will no longer work with Think Fast and the Needlessly Big Gem will only count down while it is equipped to a unit. A timer was also added to Needlessly Big Gem. And the Jade trait will get its health regeneration nerfed slightly.
All PBE balance changes are expected to go live after maintenance at 3pm CT today. Players may then continue to test out TFT Set Seven Dragonlands following the update.
Published: May 25, 2022 2:21 PM UTC