Frontline champions in Teamfight Tactics are just as important as backline units. Guardian is one of the most sought-after frontline traits in Set 10 thanks to its synergies with the Superfan trait in Remix Rumble.
The Superfan trait, at time of writing, is one of the most popular traits in TFT Set 10, containing two Remix Rumble champions that also have the Guardian trait. Champions with the Guardian trait shield themselves once per combat upon dropping below a threshold of health, while also shielding an ally for a percentage of their maximum health. Breakpoints for the trait are 2/4/6, with most comps running two Guardian units throughout multiple stages of a game.
Guardian TFT Set 10 champions and Headliner bonus

Every Remix Rumble unit within TFT Set 10 has a Headliner variant, providing plus-one of a given trait they have while also adding extra power to the champion’s ability.
- Taric (Disco, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health and armor.
- Kennen (True Damage, Superfan, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health and extra zap damage.
- Pantheon (Punk, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health, along with armor and magic resistance.
- Amumu (Emo, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health and magic resistance.
- Neeko (K/DA, Superfan, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health and 20 mana to the champion Neeko cosplays.
- Thresh (Country, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health and a maximum mana reduction.
- Yorick (Pentakill, Mosher, Guardian): Headliner grants bonus health and extra zombies.
Guardian is a flexible trait that players can choose to run a full vertical of or splash in a variety of strong comps to protect their main carriers. Activating the trait is easy during the early game with Taric, Kennen, and Pantheon when running early Punk or Disco. And finding an early Neeko with a Kennen on the board leaves players only one unit short of activating the Superfan trait.
Both Taric and Pantheon fall off during the mid-game stages but Amumu can hold their own, especially within an Emo build. Neeko is also strong while having synergy with the vertical K/DA comp and Kennen was one of the strongest Guardian units when Set 10 was released.
Thresh is more of a synergy bot within the Country trait, while the Guardian trait helps strengthen the frontline of a comp you are building. Yorick is an auto grab from the shop as a five-cost TFT Set 10 unit in conjunction with Neeko, Thresh, and Kennen when building an end-game board in Remix Rumble.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 9:08 PM UTC