Your introduction to Akila City in Starfield starts off with an old fashion standoff between the Freestar Rangers and a gang of bank robbers. As with most situations in Starfield, you can approach this conflict in a number of ways, though the Marshal would seem to prefer if you could de-escalate the stand off without any bloodshed.
If you have primarily stuck to main storyline quests for the start of Starfield, this will likely be your hardest persuasion check yet. If you put points into the right perks and select the correct dialog options, you should be able to clear this challenge with minimal issues.
How to complete Job Gone Wrong in Starfield
After arriving in Akali City alongside space cowboy Sam Coe, your quest, ‘Empty Nest’ immediately hits a roadblock. The GalBank you need access to is currently occupied by a gang of bank robbers engaged with a standoff with the local authorities.

Coe will vouch for your character to act as the negotiator and liaison between the two parties. Of course, you could always attempt to sneak into the bank, though this requires you to kill all the robbers yourself and risk the hostages inside.
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To succeed the persuasion check with the bank robber leader, I suggest putting points into the Persuasion skill. It’s fairly easy to hit the second rank of this skill, as it only requires you to pass three persuasion checks before allowing you to invest further points into this skill.

Whenever prompted, select the Persuade dialog option. In order to convince the gang leader to give up his heist, you need to get +8 Speech with only three attempts. This means that going for the more difficult speech options, though riskier, is actually a better bet.
As a reward for settling the dispute without costing any lives, the Marshal gives you 3,800 credits and offers you to join the Freestar Rangers, unlocking an entire questline. Along this side, you can also continue on to complete Empty Nest with Sam Coe.
Published: Aug 31, 2023 4:12 PM UTC