Ever since its early access release on Aug. 31, Starfield players have been diving into the open-world game since the possibilities feel endless. Some of them actually focused on making fantastic ships to explore space, and they are incredible.
Starfield offers an enormous menu to build your own customized ships. Even before the game went live, it was one of the most-talked features among the community. Many players have planned to build ships from some of their favorite science fiction works, and now, their dreams have started to come true.
Players post their Starfield creations on Reddit and other forums and social media all the time, and at this point, there are way too many to browse them all. But if you’re looking for some inspiration or simply want to check out the game’s possibilities, you’re at the right place. Here are ten of our favorite fan-made ships in Starfield.
Millennium Falcon
You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
When it comes to sci-fi ships, there’s likely no more popular one than Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. It makes its debut in Star Wars: A New Hope when Han Solo and Chewbacca agree to smuggle Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I must admit, I’m not a huge Star Wars fan myself, but even I can tell what Millenium Falcon looks like, and this recreation is very good, with many players in the comments claiming it’s the best one they’ve seen so far.
Light Frigate from Halo
One user created a recreation of Halo’s Charon-class Light Frigate in Starfield, and it goes without saying it’s a ship even Master Chef would fly without hesitation. Those familiar with the Halo series would likely agree with the sentiment since it truly does look reminiscent of the franchise’s light ships.
On top of that, we believe it’s also one of those ships we would fly either way, even if we weren’t Halo fans. It looks swift, fast, and strong in combat, which are the traits we’re looking for in Starfield’s ships.
Serenity from Firefly
At the beginning of the 21st century, geeks and nerds were blessed with Firefly, a one-season series starring Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, and more. It was met with critical acclaim, and fans quickly became fond of the series’ ship Serenity, which was used to travel in space.
It turns out some Firefly fans are also avid gamers. One of them decided to recreate Serenity in Starfield, and it looks super fly (forgive the awful pun). If I had enough material to recreate some of these ships (seriously, where do you get all these parts from), I’d probably go after this fan-made Serenity first.
Normandy from Mass Effect
Commander Shepard, we need your permission to get on board. Jokes aside, one player sacrificed what feels like countless hours to bring Mass Effect into Starfield by recreating the Normandy, Shepard’s main ship in the franchise.
This time around, the maker also showcased how the ship looked inside, and the amount of detail is jaw-dropping. The ship is massive, and its presentation really makes for a stunning effect. With this ship in your fleet, you can easily go find Earth and kill some Reapers. We bet there are a few of them hiding in the vast Starfield’s universe.
Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars
I know we’ve already had Star Wars on this list, and I even admitted not to be the biggest fan of it, but, hear me out. Some ships from George Lucas’ franchise are nothing short of amazing and memorable, like the Imperial Star Destroyer. Some Starfield players feel the same, clearly, as they recreated it in the game.
While this version of the ship doesn’t look as huge as its original counterpart, we can’t say it doesn’t impress us. A simple yet slick arrow-like design and a bunch of engines at the back make it look like a ship we’d love to command in space.
The Planet Express ship from Futurama
What better way to take on all of those delivery missions in Starfield than by using the one and only Planet Express ship? Sadly, you won’t be able to fly with a smart-mouthed robot like Bender, but Vasco has plenty of sass himself.
Not only does this ship look great and pay homage to the popular animated series, but this particular design sure doesn’t seem like a slouch when it comes to combat. It has some decent weaponry and also some incredible shield stats. Its enormous Grav Drive capacity also means it’s pretty good at zipping from system to system. Perfect for deliveries!
The Titanic
Near, far, wherever you are in Starfield, this could be the ship design for you. This one might not come with Leonardo DiCaprio, but you could fill it with your choice of Starfield companions. Sadly, you won’t be able to stand out on the ship’s stern while flying, but you could always take a nice “King of the Current-Planet-I’m-On” photo when your ship is docked at a spaceport.
While it certainly is flashy, this is one ship you probably won’t want to take through any asteroid fields. Or maybe you do if you enjoy futuristic reenactments of historical events.
Unbeatable Ship
According to its creator, this is one way to create an unbeatable ship. Apparently, the enemy AI in Starfield focuses primarily on targeting the center of your ship when firing at you. Well, it’s a whole lot harder for baddies to hit your center if you don’t have one.
It might not be the prettiest ship, it might not be the most convenient to walk through, but if you’re having trouble with a tough space battle, this could be a great solution.
The Magic School Bus
Looking for a normal space adventure? With the Frizz? No way! While the Starfield version is much larger than the one you’d see in the classic cartoon, it’s certainly impressive that this ship’s designer managed to find a way to make windows, headlights, and even tires for their Magic School Bus recreation.
Its stats are mighty impressive as well. A killer Grav Drive, loads of shields, and a very robust missile system. Ms. Frizzle is packing some power!
The Batwing
Feel like dispensing a little justice and vengeance in space? Perhaps you’ve completed Starfield’s Mantis quest and want to modify the ship you get as a result to feel like a superhero. If that’s the case, you could do a whole lot worse than this incredible recreation of The Batwing.
Not only does this ship look great, but it also has outstanding stats. Its creator has armed it to the teeth with loads of shields, stellar Grav Drive and Engine capacity, and some incredibly powerful particle cannons.
Published: Sep 25, 2023 3:04 PM UTC