Alongside Miles Morales, Peter Parker is our plucky Spider-Man, responsible for saving so many lives, which is why many are scared to know if Parker will meet an untimely end in Spider-Man 2.
Spider-Man 2 gets extremely dark at times, almost shockingly so. I’m not just talking about the graphics either; the narrative doesn’t stand on ceremony and will deliver some scenes that will make you blink twice.
As arguably the game’s main character, the fate of Peter Parker is a concerning one for many. Early trailers showed Parker a bit more unhinged than usual, but does this ultimately culminate in his downfall?
Major spoilers to follow.
Will Peter die in Spider-Man 2 PS5?

We are happy to report while Peter Parker does in fact die in Spider-Man 2, it’s only briefly as he’s resurrected shortly after.
Midway through the game, a few events unfold in quick succession, including Harry beginning to harness the power of the life-saving symbiote coursing within him, and the gang finally coming face to face with Kraven the Hunter.
In a shocking turn of events, Peter gets fatally wounded in a confrontation with Kraven who stabs him with a large blade. After trying to escape, Peter succumbs to his wounds right in front of Harry and MJ.
Once it becomes apparent Peter has died, the symbiote residing in Harry suddenly transfers across to Peter who suddenly springs to life, full of more beans than a Colombian coffee, and feels stronger than ever.
He goes on to survive in Spider-Man 2 and everyone can breathe again.
Published: Oct 31, 2023 12:34 AM UTC