Some Pokémon Go trainers have all the luck, but PokeMaster Marcello and Gareth Morton might be the luckiest of them all. The pair met up to do a special trade, swapping Shiny Moltres for Shiny Inkay via a non-lucky trade, and then the impossible happened: they both got Shiny Lucky ‘Hundos,’ meaning they would up having perfect Individual Values (IVs) and Stardust will cost half when powering it up.
While the exact odds of this happening aren’t known, PokeMaster Marcello pointed out it’s probably somewhere around a one in 4.6 million chance, which is absolutely insane.
“I just can’t believe it!” he said on Instagram. “We are both still shaking. Gareth Morton and I traded two shinies on a non-lucky trade and we both got Shiny Lucky Hundos!!! The odds of this happening is 1 in 4.6 million!!! INSANE!. Suddenly I don’t mind not getting a Shiny Inkay during the research day..”
PokeMaster Marcello and Gareth Morton are two of the most dedicated trainers in the scene. PokeMaster Marcello maintains one of the biggest raid-focused Discord servers and is an avid PvP player who has competed at events like Pokémon Worlds. Gareth Morton, on the other hand, is in the process of achieving a living Lucky Pokedéx; all he needs is Kecleon.
Perhaps the Pokémon gods wanted to reward them for their efforts by giving them something truly special. How else could something as unlikely and remarkable as this happen? Either way, it was—without a doubt—one of the luckiest Pokémon Go trades of all time, if not the luckiest.
Published: Jan 17, 2023 2:30 AM UTC