Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk has been out for a while now but players are still discovering hidden details, including a subtle nod to a very awkward moment regarding Magmar in Gen VII’s Sun and Moon.
In The Indigo Disk DLC, we meet the BB League Elite Four consisting of Blueberry Academy’s top students: Lacey, Drayton, Amarys, and Crispin. These trainers each have their own unique style and personality and it shows in battle. Crispin, for example, has a burning passion for cooking, and his trial even involves making a spicy sandwich. As you might expect from his hobby and all the red in his design, this BB League Elite Four member is a Fire-type specialist with ‘mons like Blaziken and Magmortar. And, as part of his unique flair, he keeps his many Fire Pokémon in Quick Balls.

At first glance, you might not think anything of Crispin’s preference for Quick Balls over the other fancy types of Poké Balls. However, this is a reference to a very specific interaction you might’ve had with a Magmar in Sun and Moon as pointed out in a March 13 thread on the r/Stunfisk subreddit.
In Sun and Moon, you can visit the home of Kiawe, Alola’s Fire-type Trial Captain, in Paniola Town. There’s a group of Magmar inside the house, and if you interact with one of them, it gives you a random Quick Ball for some odd reason.
But the weird part is the implications behind the quote: “Magmar pulled out a nice, toasty Quick Ball from… well… somewhere!” We probably don’t want to know where exactly Magmar pulled that Quick Ball from. It’s not like the Fire-type has any pockets or bags to store items in. It just sounds so suspicious.
The connection between this awkward incident and Crispin might not immediately click because he doesn’t actually use a Magmar in battle. However, he does send out Magmar’s evolution, Magmortar, and he will even trade you its pre-evolution, Magby. This special Magby of course comes in a Quick Ball. So if you ever wondered why Crispin chooses to use the blue and yellow Quick Balls, now you get the reference.
Interestingly enough, Crispin isn’t the only BB League Elite Four member with a connection to a previous generation. Lacey and Drayton are both related to Gen V Gym Leaders, which makes sense since Blueberry Academy is in the Unova region. Lacey is the daughter of Driftveil City’s Clay and a possible descendant of Lian from Legends: Arceus. Meanwhile, Drayton is the grandson of Drayden, Opelucid City’s mayor and Gym Leader.
Published: Mar 14, 2024 5:40 AM UTC