Pokémon Go players have a lot to be skeptical about in recent updates, including an odd mix of content that was added for the game’s most recent season. There are some players, however, who are getting around some gameplay limitations in order to encounter one of the newest Pokémon—Hawlucha.
To the surprise of many, Hawlucha was added to Pokémon Go on March 1. The Fighting/Flying type was just the latest species to be slapped onto the region-locked encounter list, with players only able to encounter it while walking around in Mexico.
This was obviously upsetting to fans of the Wrestling Pokémon who do not live in Mexico and are essentially locked out of catching Hawlucha until it becomes available globally in a future event. But just like with most region-exclusive Pokémon, there are some players who get lucky and can work around those restrictions.
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While Hawlucha is a Mexico-exclusive encounter, players in areas surrounding the Central American country are getting lucky with spawns. Specifically, certain areas of the United States along the border of Mexico like San Diego and several towns in Southern Texas and Arizona are seeing some nice spawn rates for Hawlucha.
This is nothing new, as the in-game borders for region-exclusive encounters are fairly loose and tend to encompass the main area in question along with sometimes significant bleed over into surrounding countries or zones.
Compared to the other content surrounding Hawlucha, which includes Niantic accidentally pushing a set of Timed Research live to players outside of Mexico that can’t be completed, seeing some expanded encounter boundaries isn’t that big of a deal.
Published: Mar 7, 2023 9:36 PM UTC