Shedinja is a difficult Pokémon to get at the best of times, but in Pokémon Go, it’s nearly impossible to find one unless you play the game during certain key events.
Unlike in the main series, where you need to evolve a Nincada into a Ninjask to get a Shedinja to spawn, Niantic has locked Shedinja through specific methods, making getting its shiny form nearly impossible.
How to find Shedinja in Pokémon Go
There are two main ways to find Shedinja in Pokémon Go, and both aren’t amazing, with it relying on you playing the game at a specific time or having another trainer to help you out.
The first method is to simply trade for a Shedinja with another trainer who has one. Shedinja is rare, so some trainers keep spares for such an occasion. It’s worth asking for one at a major event like Go Fest or in person with a group of friends willing to hand one over.
Sadly, waiting for events is the second and primary way to get Shedinja. Shedinja can only be caught through a Field Research Task and rarely appears as one. The last time Shedinja was available was during February 2023’s Hoenn event, and it seems like Niantic has a habit of forgetting about the bug most of the time.
The Field Research task for Shedinja seems to appear a week every year if you are lucky, and there’s no telling when Niantic will make Sheninja available again. Shedinha cannot be caught in the wild or through evolution, so keep your eyes peeled for that one event every couple of years when Shedinja becomes available again, and don’t miss your chance to catch it.
You might even find it shiny if you are super lucky—but we doubt it.
Published: Aug 29, 2024 1:45 PM UTC