Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has landed and there are a ton of different Pokémon to catch and evolve.
The Elite Four is back and you’ll have to have the best allies to bolster your Pokémon collection. The newest installment in the Pokémon franchise is here and provides fans with a whole new experience with new uncharted lands and countless hours of gameplay to enjoy.
There’s Pokémon galore in this title, and you’ll have to spend hour after hour collecting as much as you can so you can finally get some rest in the November gaming season.
Not only do you have to catch them all, evolving them all isn’t the worst idea either.
As you’re exploring the vast world of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll probably encounter the green-looking Capsakid—here’s how to get its next form.
How to evolve Capsakid into Scovillian in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Capsakid is the spicy Pokémon you’ll spot roughly on the western side of the map. It’s a Grass-type Pokémon and lives in “mountainous areas and deserts.” A Capsakid will evolve into a Scovillian. They’re hot by name, and hot by nature—these guys require something on the warmer side to start the evolution process.
You’ll need to get yourself a Capsakid just northwest of Cortonodo. Once you’ve done this, you’ll have to find yourself a firestone to evolve Capsakid into Scovillian.

You can find a firestone if you’re a keen-eyed Pokémon catcher. Just make sure you’re spotting everything on the ground around you as you’re on the hunt to catch them all. A relatively reliable spot to find them is in East Province.
They’ll be hiding on the ground so keep your eyes peeled.
There’s also a store in Mesagoza where you can purchase a firestone. This will definitely make your search easier.
To start the evolution, you’ll have to use the firestone on Capsakid. And there you have it, go forth and evolve your Capsakid into its next step of Scarlet and Violet evolution.
Published: Nov 18, 2022 12:14 AM UTC