The Grand Underground added multiple new or revamped features to Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl to improve upon the original version of the mechanic and really make it feel like a living, unskippable part of the Sinnoh region.
One of the core new additions is the ability to capture wild Pokémon while underground in new locations called Pokémon Hideaways.
Hideaways are chambers spread around areas of the Grand Underground that contain biomes acting as the natural or preferred habitats for many species. This not only acts as a way to provide more content for the underground area, but players can also encounter Pokémon that aren’t found anywhere else, or would have been locked in the post-game when playing the original Diamond and Pearl.
As you continue to explore more of the Sinnoh region, gather the Gym Badges, learn new HM moves, and grow stronger, more Pokémon will become available to you. And, the Pokémon you encounter will also grow stronger alongside you, meaning you can almost always reliably grind levels in Pokémon Hideaways, though you probably won’t need to since wild Pokémon are almost always stronger than trainers you will face in the overworld.
In each individual biome, there are set species of Pokémon that are very likely to spawn when you enter. However, there are also “Rare” species that wouldn’t normally be available during your main journey through DP because they aren’t officially included in the original Sinnoh Pokédex.
Any Pokémon you encounter in the Grand Underground is catchable and has a chance at knowing at least one Egg Move—such as Elekid knowing Ice Punch. You can also manipulate the spawn rates of certain species by using Statues you dig up during excavations and place in your Secret Base for bonus effects.
If you want a variety of options for building your ideal team during your journey to become Champion, or just want an easier time when completing your Pokédex, here are all the Pokémon available in the Grand Underground—divided by Hideaways and when they become available. Exclusives will also be marked with either BD or SP.
This does not include National Pokédex spawns, largely due to the fact each Hideaway adds more than 20 species upon obtaining the upgrade to compensate for the sheer number of Pokémon available.
Spacious Cave
- Base Spawns
- Zubat
- Psyduck
- Machop
- Murkrow (BD)
- Bidoof
- Kriketot
- Shinx
- Budew
- Pachirisu
- Buneary
- Rare Spawns
- Magnemite
- Lickitung
- Rhyhorn
- Houndoom
- Swablu
- Absol
- Spawns post-Strength
- Golbat
- Hoothoot
- Bibarel
- Chingling
- Stunky (BD)
- Skuntank (BD)
- Spawns post-Defog
- Machoke
- Graveler
- Aipom
- Wingull
- Munchlax
- Purugly (SP)
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Pelipper
- Luxio
- Glameow (SP)
- Spawns post-Waterfall
- Mantyke
Grassland Cave
- Base Spawns
- Zubat
- Machop
- Murkrow (BD)
- Wurmple
- Silcoon (BD)
- Cascoon (SP)
- Roselia
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Shinx
- Combee
- Cherubi
- Buneary
- Rare Spawns
- Scyther (BD)
- Pinsir (SP)
- Absol
- Spawns post-Strength
- Golbat
- Hoothoot
- Bibarel
- Chingling
- Stunky (BD)
- Skuntank (BD)
- Spawns post-Defog
- Machoke
- Munchlax
- Purugly (SP)
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Luxio
- Glameow (SP)
Fountainspring Cave
- Base Spawns
- Psyduck
- Bidoof
- Buizel
- Shellos
- Gastrodon
- Rare Spawns
- Lickitung
- Togepi
- Ralts
- Swablu
- Spawns post-Strength
- Hoothoot
- Barboach
- Bibarel
- Spawns post-Defog
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Wingull
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Pelipper
- Gible
- Spawns post-Waterfall
- Octillery
- Whiscash
- Gabite
- Mantyke
Rocky Cave
- Base Spawns
- Geodude
- Onix
- Skorupi
- Rare Spawns
- Rhyhorn
- Gligar (BD)
- Teddiursa (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Bronzor
- Spawns post-Defog
- Graveler
- Hippopotas
Volcanic Cave
- Base Spawns
- Geodude
- Onix
- Skorupi
- Rare Spawns
- Houndoom
- Magby (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Ponyta
- Spawns post-Defog
- Graveler
Swampy Cave
- Base Spawns
- Zubat
- Roselia
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
- Rare Spawns
- Lickitung
- Gligar (BD)
- Swinub
- Spawns post-Strength
- Golbat
- Barboach
- Spawns post-Defog
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Spawns post-Waterfall
- Whiscash
Dazzling Cave
- Base Spawns
- Gastly
- Misdreavus (SP)
- Rare Spawns
- Togepi
- Houndoom
- Smoochum
- Elekid (BD)
- Ralts
- Duskull
- Absol
- Spawns post-Strength
- Meditite
- Chingling
- Bronzor
- Spawns post-Defog
- Kadabra
- Girafarig
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Mr. Mime
Whiteout Cave
- Base Spawns
- Machop
- Shinx
- Pachirisu
- Buneary
- Rare Spawns
- Magnemite
- Swinub
- Elekid (BD)
- Teddiursa (SP)
- Swablu
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Spawns post-Strength
- Meditite
- Spawns post-Defog
- Machoke
- Munchlax
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Mr. Mime
- Sneasel
- Luxio
- Snover
Icy Cave
- Base Spawns
- Buneary
- Rare Spawns
- Magnemite
- Swinub
- Smoochum
- Swablu
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Spawns post-Strength
- Bronzor
- Spawns post-Defog
- Mr. Mime
- Sneasel
- Snover
Riverbank Cave
- Base Spawns
- Psyduck
- Murkrow (BD)
- Wurmple
- Silcoon (BD)
- Cascoon (SP)
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Budew
- Buizel
- Buneary
- Croagunk
- Rare Spawns
- Lickitung
- Scyther (BD)
- Pinsir (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Golbat
- Hoothoot
- Bibarel
- Stunky (BD)
- Skuntank (BD)
- Spawns post-Defog
- Wingull
- Munchlax
- Purugly (SP)
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Pelipper
- Glameow (SP)
- Gible
- Spawns post-Waterfall
- Octillery
- Whiscash
- Gabite
- Mantyke
Sandsear Cave
- Base Spawns
- Onix
- Skorupi
- Rare Spawns
- Rhyhorn
- Houndoom
- Magby (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Ponyta
- Spawns post-Defog
- Hippopotas
Still-Water Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Psyduck
- Murkrow (BD)
- Wurmple
- Silcoon (BD)
- Cascoon (SP)
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Budew
- Buizel
- Buneary
- Croagunk
- Rare Spawns
- Lickitung
- Scyther (BD)
- Pinsir (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Hoothoot
- Barboach
- Bibarel
- Stunky (BD)
- Skuntank (BD)
- Spawns post-Defog
- Wingull
- Munchlax
- Purugly (SP)
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Pelipper
- Glameow (SP)
- Gible
- Spawns post-Waterfall
- Octillery
- Whiscash
- Gabite
- Mantyke
Sunlit Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Zubat
- Machop
- Murkrow (BD)
- Wurmple
- Silcoon (BD)
- Cascoon (SP)
- Roselia
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Shinx
- Combee
- Cherubi
- Buneary
- Rare Spawns
- Rhyhorn
- Gligar (BD)
- Teddiursa (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Golbat
- Hoothoot
- Bibarel
- Stunky (BD)
- Skuntank (BD)
- Spawns post-Defog
- Machoke
- Munchlax
- Purugly (SP)
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Luxio
- Glameow (SP)
Big Bluff Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Geodude
- Onix
- Skorupi
- Rare Spawns
- Scyther (BD)
- Pinsir (SP)
- Absol
- Spawns post-Strength
- Bronzor
- Spawns post-Defog
- Graveler
- Hippopotas
Stargleam Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Gastly
- Misdreavus (SP)
- Rare Spawns
- Togepi
- Houndoom
- Smoochum
- Elekid (BD)
- Ralts
- Duskull
- Absol
- Spawns post-Strength
- Meditite
- Chingling
- Bronzor
- Spawns post-Defog
- Kadabra
- Girafarig
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Mr. Mime
Glacial Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Buneary
- Rare Spawns
- Magnemite
- Swinub
- Elekid (BD)
- Teddiursa (SP)
- Swablu
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Spawns post-Strength
- Bronzor
- Spawns post-Defog
- Mr. Mime
- Sneasel
- Snover
Bogsunk Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Zubat
- Roselia
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
- Rare Spawns
- Lickitung
- Gligar (BD)
- Swinub
- Spawns post-Strength
- Golbat
- Barboach
- Spawns post-Defog
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Spawns post-Icicle Badge
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Spawns post-Waterfall
- Whiscash
Typhlo Cavern
- Base Spawns
- Geodude
- Onix
- Skorupi
- Rare Spawns
- Rhyhorn
- Houndoom
- Magby (SP)
- Spawns post-Strength
- Ponyta
- Spawns post-Defog
- Graveler
Published: Nov 23, 2021 9:17 AM UTC