The initial patch that launches with a new Overwatch 2 season is always a massive undertaking, both for developers who create the changes and for players who have to digest all that new information. In another way, it also feels like unwrapping a present; everything contained within these notes will set the tone for the first half of the season.
This season three patch, detailed in full on the Overwatch 2 patch notes page, contains major hero updates as well as equally impactful quality-of-life changes. Tank players should take special notice of any changes related to their favorite heroes, especially if they’re fans of modes that aren’t the typical role-queue competitive type.
General updates
A new Control map, the frigid Antarctic Peninsula, has been added to the map pool. Additionally, Havana (Escort) and Numbani (Hybrid) are back in Overwatch 2 after missing the first two seasons of the sequel. Several time-based variations, like morning Circuit Royal, have been added to existing maps this season.
New streamer protections can be activated within the game which will allow streamers to hide their queue times and BattleNet tags to avoid viewer stream sniping.
Fans of Mystery Heroes may notice a few big changes in season three, namely, there will now be a maximum of three heroes of the same role on a team. At least this means it’s now impossible to have an entire team full of healers against a full slate of Rodhogs. These settings can be changed in custom modes, however.
Competitive mode has undergone a minor update that takes effect in season three. It will now only take five wins (or 15 losses) to see a change in rank, down from seven wins or 20 losses. Players can also now view their competitive progress at any time in the competitive menu instead of waiting to win another game.
General Hero updates
- Maximum ultimate charge retained when swapping heroes reduced from 30 to 25 percent.
- Tank role passive: The health totals for all tank heroes will be lower when playing any game mode that does not have a role queue. Health totals will remain the same for tanks when playing any Role Queue-enabled game.
Modes where multiple tanks can be on the field, like Total Mayhem or some arcade modes, should be a bit less lopsided with this tank passive added.
Tank hero updates
- Mech base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 350.
- Mech base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 350 to 200.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 450.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 450 to 300.
Junker Queen
- Base health in Role Queue modes increased to 450 from 425.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 425 to 300.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 275.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 275 to 125.
- Augmented Fusion Driver damage falloff range reduced from 25 to 15 meters.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 450.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 450 to 300.
- Damaging enemies with the Annihilation ultimate now slows the duration timer down instead of pausing it entirely.
- It now lasts up to 20 seconds, not infinitely.
- Ultimate cost increased 12 percent.
We’re no longer subjected to three solid minutes of Ramattra damage now Annihilation has been hit with both a nerf and a time limit. Devs stated in the patch notes it’s “still highly impactful for most team fights, but [this change] guarantees it’ll end in a reasonable amount of time.”
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 325.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 325 to 175.
- Charge cooldown reduced from eight to seven seconds.
- Fire Strike damage increased from 90 to 100.
- Rocket Hammer knockback impulse reduced from 10 to six.
- Earthshatter direct hit damage reduced from 250 to 170.
- Knockdown duration increased from 2.5 to 2.75 seconds.
- Ultimate cost increased 7 percent.
“We’d generally like to avoid heroes in the tank role from killing enemies in one shot,” developers said in the patch notes, explaining the Earthshatter nerfs. Charge is still lethal, they said, as is Fire Strike. However, the latter would take an ultimate combination to pull off eliminations, so it’s fair game.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 700.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 700 to 550.
- Whole Hog maximum duration increased from six to eight seconds.
- Ultimate cost increased eight percent.
Since Roadhog can use abilities during his ultimate, developers wanted to give him more time and more options. Considering his dominance last season, they’re on the lookout for issues. “We’ll keep an eye on if it’s simply too much damage or knockback overall,” they said.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 350.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 350 to 200.
- Gravitic Flux ultimate cost increased seven percent.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 350.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 350 to 200.
- Barrier Projector health reduced from 700 to 650.
Wrecking Ball
- Base health in Role Queue modes reduced from 600 to 450.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 600 to 300.
- Shield health increased from zero to 150.
- Pile Driver cooldown reduced from 10 to eight seconds.
- Minefield ultimate cost increased nine percent.
- Arming time reduced from 1.5 to one second.
- Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 250.
- Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 250 to 100.
- Graviton Surge ultimate cost increased eight percent.
Damage hero updates
- Combat Roll movement is no longer blocked by enemy player collision.
- Peacekeeper primary fire falloff range increased from 20 to 25 meters.
- Concussion Mine maximum damage reduced from 120 to 100.
- Blizzard ultimate cost reduced five percent.
- Barrage ultimate cost reduced five percent.
- Death Blossom ultimate cost reduced eight percent.
Soldier: 76
- Heavy Pulse Rifle recoil reduced 12 percent.
- Number of shots to reach maximum recoil increased from four to six.
This change apparently “makes the weapon handle more similar to the original version in that you can burst fire more accurately before the recoil kicks in,” said developers.
- Machine Pistol damage per projectile increased from seven to 7.5.
- Health pack hacked duration increased from 30 to 45 seconds.
Developers noted Sombra was “underperforming” after her latest update, so they added this minor buff. They’re also working on a “small rework” for her abilities.
- Photon Barrier ultimate cost increased 10 percent.
- Turret base health reduced from 250 to 225.
- Base health reduced from 200 to 175.
Support hero updates
- Biotic Grenade effect duration reduced from four to 3.5 seconds.
- Repair Pack healing over time reduced from 55 to 50 per second.
- Applying a Repair Pack now instantly heals for 25 health on impact
- Rally ultimate cost reduced 10 percent.
- Sound Barrier ultimate cost reduced seven percent.
- Guardian Angel cooldown increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds.
- Holding the backwards directional input and canceling the ability with Jump now moves 20 percent slower.
- Caduceus Staff healing-per-second reduced from 55 to 45.
- Healing is increased by 50 percent for allies under half health
- Regeneration Passive removed.
- New Passive added: “Sympathetic Recovery”
- Mercy heals herself for 25 percent of healing done with the Caduceus Staff.
Mercy players likely weren’t expecting a minor rework heading into season three, but they’re getting one anyway. A new passive means Mercy heals herself in accordance with the healing she does, instead of having it be automatic. Her healing will also now be immensely more powerful for allies on the brink of death, making her “triage healer,” according to devs.
- Coalescence ultimate cost reduced five percent.
- Orb of Destruction ammo increased from 20 to 25.
This change seems minor, but the devs said it should lengthen the times when Zenyatta is “most vulnerable, which is when he is reloading.” They also noted balancing Zenyatta is extremely difficult since even minor buffs have made him extremely dangerous at the pro level.
A host of bugs were also fixed with the season three update; the full bug fix list can be found alongside the season three patch note post.
Published: Feb 6, 2023 7:40 PM UTC