Overwatch 2 has had a series of issues since the title’s launch on Oct. 4, involving server issues, massive waiting queues in the thousands, and crashes. Disgruntled players have been voicing their opinions all over the Overwatch 2 subreddit, across social media at large, and quite frankly all over the internet.
The Overwatch 2 devs haven’t let this issue go unnoticed either.
In a community blog post on Oct. 5, Jodie, a community manager for Overwatch 2, voiced the company’s apologies regarding the more than rough start.
When creating the discussion about the issues, the Overwatch dev said, “login queues, server crashes, and stability problems are intertwined, so we’ll talk about them together.”
The community manager blamed the separate server queues, one being for Battle.net, and the other being through Overwatch 2 itself. They also shared Blizzard had made changes to improve the queuing process, making it easier for players to be experiencing one queue before entering Overwatch 2.
Finally, the dev explained the issues regarding fixes for server queues and crashes, saying “We’re continuing to add nodes to ease the pressure on the player database.”
“The process of adding nodes requires replication of data, which inherently adds pressure to an already stressed system, so we’re doing it slowly to not cause any further disruption as devs and engineers work through separate issues,” they added.
In regards to the extremely long queues, the community manager explained: “We are also currently throttling queues in order to protect the player database as much as we can while we scale—this feels bad in the short-term, but once it’s done, will greatly improve the experience for players across multiple fronts moving forward.”
These explanations are among a series of other comments regarding issues involving DDoS attacks, “incorrectly locked heroes and items for existing players”, and “problems with account merges.”
The community manager highlighted the importance of taking to the community forums and flagging any issues with their support team, saying “If you’re still experiencing this issue after taking these steps, please open a support ticket, that data is very helpful for our team.”
Hopefully, these issues can be resolved as soon as possible so Overwatch 2 players can get back into servers, select their heroes, and get grinding in the sequel again.
Published: Oct 6, 2022 3:26 AM UTC