With the launch of Overwatch 2, the development team at Blizzard Entertainment revealed the franchise’s famous cosmetics would be delivered in new ways. Rather than using the old loot box system, Overwatch 2 uses battle passes and an in-game shop to grant skins to players. Each season of the game’s new seasonal model also has a theme, which many of that season’s cosmetics are loosely based around.
In a recent trailer and accompanying tweet, Blizzard revealed that season two’s theme would be Greek mythology and that many of the season’s skins, including its Mythic skin, would follow suit. Season two will also encompass the holidays and the traditional Winter Wonderland event, which will bring plenty of new skins and other festive cosmetics. Blizzard has already revealed many of the skins coming to the game in season two, and we’ve rounded them all up in one big list.
Here is every new Overwatch 2 skin revealed so far for season two.
All Overwatch 2 season two skins so far
Minotaur Reinhardt

Cyclops Roadhog

Medusa Widowmaker

Zeus Junker Queen (Mythic)

Unnamed Pharah skin

Unnamed Ramattra skin (likely Poseidon)

Unnamed Lúcio skin

Unnamed Genji skin

Unnamed Kiriko skin

Unnamed Mei skin

Ice Queen Brigitte

Unnamed Bastion skin

Unnamed Ana skin

Unnamed Echo skin

Unnamed Tracer skin

Unnamed Symmetra skin

Second unnamed Echo skin

Published: Nov 29, 2022 8:45 PM UTC