In a somewhat shocking change of pace, Blizzard gave fans more details than expected about the new heroes coming to Overwatch 2 in 2024 during the BlizzCon opening ceremony on Friday, Nov. 3.
After revealing the game’s latest hero, Mauga, who served as one of the game’s worst-kept secrets, Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller teased a bit of a roadmap for 2024, which is set to include three new heroes.
It shouldn’t surprise fans too much that Blizzard is adding three new heroes to the game in 2024. They’ve been open about adding a new hero once every other season, and seasons have consistently lasted about two months. So with 12 months in a year, that’s six seasons, and if half of them have a new hero, we’ll get three new heroes.
But what likely surprised most fans was how much detail Keller was already willing to give us about the characters coming to the game. Sharing some artwork for the first two heroes coming in 2024, Keller noted the first hero of 2024 will be a DPS hero named Venture. The second doesn’t have a formal name yet, but Blizzard has been using the codename “Space Ranger” for the support hero. Keller didn’t share details on the third hero coming in 2024.
The official Overwatch Twitter account followed up the opening ceremony by posting images of the two heroes for everyone to inspect. Based on the picture of Venture, we might expect the hero to be a close-range DPS hero. With what appears to be an enormous drill in their hand, the size of Zarya’s Particle Cannon, Venture gives off an aesthetic combining a little bit of Zarya and Mei.
Given the timeline of Overwatch 2 seasons, we can expect to see Venture in Overwatch 2 around the first or second week of April with the start of season 10. The outer-space-themed support hero should follow in August with the start of season 12.
Blizzard previously stated they intend on releasing two support heroes back-to-back as the role catches up with the rest of the roster in terms of representation. This would lead us to believe the third and final hero coming in 2024 will be a support hero in December for the start of season 14.
We don’t expect Blizzard to give us too many more details regarding the new heroes this weekend, but the game’s “What’s Next Panel” tomorrow at 2:30pm CT will hopefully provide us with at least a few more morsels of information for us to hang onto while we wait.
Published: Nov 3, 2023 8:40 PM UTC