Pokémon Go’s June Community Day is once again going to focus on a Dragon-type, but this time, it won’t require an evolution to harness its draconic energy.
On June 6 from the usual 11am to 5pm local time, Gible will be appearing more frequently in the wild as part of the Community Day event. This will give players a great opportunity to capture and train up a powerful Dragon/Ground-type, or Shiny hunt for the popular Pokémon.
Along with trying to capture as many Gible as possible the main goal will be to evolve the Land Shark Pokémon into Garchomp. Once you evolve a Gible into a Gabite and then into a Garchomp during the event, that Garchomp will know the event-exclusive Charge Move Earth Power.
To spice things up even more, players can purchase a $1 pass for access to the Gible Community Day-exclusive Special Research, “Just a Nibble.”
And, just like with previous Community Day events, capture XP earned during the event will be tripled and any Incense activated will last for three hours instead of the usual one hour. There will be a Snapshot bonus running throughout the event and a standard, one-time-purchase Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins with 50 Ultra Balls, five Incense, five Lucky Eggs, and an Elite Charged TM included inside.
Published: Jun 5, 2021 2:54 AM UTC