The first two Mega-Evolved Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go, Mega Latios and Mega Latias, are returning after a year hiatus with players eager to find and capture these Gen three Eon Legendary Dragons.
But certainly won’t be an easy battle against these Pokémon. Mega Raids are the most challenging battles you can face in Pokemon Go and typically require the study of strategies and the help of teammates to take them down.
Beyond that, all Latias caught during this period will know the Charged Attack Mist Ball, while all Latios caught during this will know the Charged Attack Luster Purge, two awesome attacks for you to include in your Pokémon teams.
Mega Latias and Mega Latios weaknesses and counters

The two Legendary Eon Pokémon share the dual-type Dragon/Psychic, making them both weak to Bug, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, Dark, and Fairy attacks. This gives you plenty of super-effective options to choose from.
Since these opponents are Mega Legendary, it won’t be enough to pick any Pokémon with a type advantage. You will need to choose the best ones possible to win this battle. Making sure that you combine type effectiveness with another trainer’s Mega Pokémon is also vital, so try to use one of these many Pokémon where you can:
- Mega Latios
- Mega Latias
- Mega Gengar
- Mega Houndoom
- Shadow Mamoswine
- Shadow Weavile
- Shadow Salamance
- Mega Salamance
- Mega Tyranitar
- Mega Gyrados
It goes without saying that if you have a Mega Latios already, it is one of the best choices. Its Dragon-type is super effective and has the Dragon Breath quick attack and Dragon Claw charge attack that will provide the highest DPS for this match and should be your pick of moves.
Mega Gengar is another great option and can deal massive damage with super-effective Ghost moves. You will want the combination of Shadow Claw quick attack and Shadow Ball charged attack.
Only the Shadow Weavile should have a combination of different types of moves: the Dark-type quick attack Snarl, with the Ice-type charged attack Avalanche. The other Pokémon will be best used with the most powerful combination of its super-effective moves.
Failing Mega choices, you can also use this list of the most common Pokémon that most trainers should have, along with their best move combination. These are for more casual players who aren’t as heavy into raids but still wish to try their luck with:
- Garchomp (Dragon Tail, Outrage)
- Salamance (Dragon Tail, Draco Meteor)
- Dragonite (Dragon Breath, Outrage)
- Chandelure (Hex, Shadow Ball)
- Haxorus (Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw)
- Hydreigon (Dragon Breath, Dark Pulse)
- Weavile (Snarl, Avalanche)
- Galarian Darmanitan (Ice Fang, Avalanche)
- Mamoswine (Powder Snow, Avalanche)
- Togekiss (Charm, Dazzling Gleam)
- Tyranitar (Bite, Brutal Swing)
- Gholdengo (Hex, Shadow Ball)
- Guzzlord (Snarl, Brutal Swing)
- Zarude (Bite, Dark Pulse)
- Pheramosa (Bug Bite, Bug Buzz)
- Baxcalibur (Dragon Tail, Avalanche)
With these options, you should be able to deal lots of damage in the Mega Raids, but you will still need partners to take down Mega Latias or Mega Latios.
How many trainers are needed to beat Mega Latias and Mega Latios?

Mega Raids are the hardest in the game, with Raid Bosses reaching incredible amounts of CP. In the case of Eons Pokemon, Mega Latias can reach CP 80,545, while Mega Latios can reach CP 84,000.
To win this challenge, you should team up in groups of eight and above for a medium to hard difficult battle. If you can’t make part of a group of that size, it’s possible to win with less, but we don’t recommend it. These battles are increasingly challenging, and as many players as you can find, the better. Even five players who are level 40 or over will have difficulty getting through these battles.
It will be a waste of time and resources, so don’t go into these fights unless you are prepared with a big group.
Mega Latias and Mega Latios captured CP and moves
The best possible CP for your captured Pokémon means they have a 100 percent IV and are a four-star in the evaluation of your team leader. Mega Latias can reach a normal CP of 2,006 and a boosted CP of 2,507. Mega Latios can reach a normal CP of 2,178 and a boosted CP of 2,723.
Mega Latias and Mega Latios moveset
Both Legendary Dragons have access to the quick attacks Zen Headbutt (Psychic) and Dragon Breath (Dragon), and Latias can also have Charm (Fairy). The charged attacks they can have both are Psychic (Psychic). Latias have access to Outrage (Dragon), Thunder (Electric), and exclusive Mist Ball (Psychic), and Latios can have Dragon Claw (Dragon), Solar Beam (Grass), and Luster Purge (Psychic).
Published: Feb 1, 2024 10:51 AM UTC