After sweeping all three games of the group stage’s second round-robin at the 2022 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational, Royal Never Give Up returned to the stage today to replay three make-up games from the first round robin that were erased from the record earlier this week. They won all of them and earned their place in the MSI rumble stage as a result.
RNG’s games from the first round-robin of the group stage were made void after a “discrepancy in latency” was discovered to be taking place during those contests. RNG is competing in this year’s MSI remotely from its training facility in China due to COVID-related travel restrictions.
Related: RNG vow to play on at MSI 2022 despite ‘unfair treatment’ amid ping-related controversy
During the group stage, players reported the ping they were experiencing while playing was much higher than the ping that was being displayed on-screen in their games. To preserve competitive integrity, Riot Games made the decision to have RNG replay the three games that were affected by this issue.
Today, RNG won each of their replayed games against Istanbul Wildcats, PSG Talon, and RED Canids, just as they had before their record was reset to 0-0. The team played three straight games on stage today, winning all of them to officially close out a nine-game day of competitive League—the first such day at an international event since day two of the 2019 MSI Play-in stage.
RNG’s perfect group stage run earned them a direct ticket to the rumble stage of the tournament. RNG unofficially won nine games against their group mates, although a 6-0 record will go in the history books. PSG Talon, who finished group play with a record of 3-3, also made it out of Group B and advanced to the rumble stage alongside RNG. North America’s Evil Geniuses and Europe’s G2 Esports advanced to the rumble stage earlier today.
The MSI rumble stage will begin on Friday, May 20.
Published: May 14, 2022 2:33 PM UTC