If you were having fun with the new League of Legends card game, The Demon’s Hand, only to find your progress blocked, you’re not alone. Unlocking the higher difficulties requires you to unlock Sigils, but the game doesn’t really explain how. Here’s how to unlock Sigils’ for The Demon’s Hand in League.
How to unlock Sigils in The Demon’s Hand
To unlock Sigls for The Demon’s Hand, you must play the normal League of Legends game modes, including Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and Arena. An invisible tracker logs how much you’ve played and awards you with Sigils based on some parameter, either playtime or performance. According to the developers, Arena gives 30 percent more progress than all the other game modes, so playing Arena is the fastest way to unlock Sigils for The Demon’s Hand.
However, the grind can get excessive as the Sigil drop rates are pretty low. You will get a Sigil every four to five ARAM games, but the drop rates can be inconsistent. Some players reported getting one Sigil after five ARAM games and two more in the next three games. Meanwhile, Sigil drops from Arena also seem inconsistent, with players reporting not getting a single Sigil after three wins.

You can track your Sigils and Sigil unlock progress by pressing the ESC key inside the game. This will pull up a list of all Sigils in The Demon’s Hand and show you all the Sigils that are still locked. Once you complete the main story mode, there are 24 locked Sigils that you must unlock via playing League.
The first eight Sigils you unlock give you access to the Hard difficulty, and the remaining 16 will unlock the Demon difficulty. These higher difficulties will give enemies more HP and increase their attack, making resource management and Sigil choices much more important for your build. You’ll have to adapt and make stronger, more focused builds to conquer the highest difficulties.

Does TFT unlock Sigils?
It’s currently unconfirmed if Teamfight Tactics games contribute towards unlocking Sigils. We have a confirmed comment from one of the developers of The Demon’s Hand, who provided the information on Arena. But they made no mention of TFT at any point. With the low drop rates for Sigils already being such an issue, it’s safe to assume that TFT doesn’t contribute significantly towards Sigil progress, if at all.
Hopefully, the developers will update the Sigil drop rates to make them more casual-friendly so everyone can enjoy more of The Demon’s Hand card game. We’ll update you and provide the latest changes as soon as they’re confirmed.
That’s all we currently know about how to unlock Sigils for The Demon’s Hand card game in League. Also, check out the latest line-up of April Fool’s skins, and the skin players would happily pay $200 for.
Published: Mar 20, 2025 11:10 AM UTC