OK, are we back? I think we’re back (and Riot’s little break is over), and that means League of Legends Patch 13.14 has arrived. The whole League patch cycle was put on hold for a tick, but the developers have come back swinging with a bucketload of buffs, nerfs, and changes.
All up, 18 League champions have been handed changes (eight buffs, nine nerfs, and even an adjustment, we counted) while 10 items have been tweaked by the Riot balancing team.
The big change list has a bit of a symbiotic relationship, League balance boss Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison explained, with item buffs being packaged with hefty nerfs for several junglers for balance. There are also “modernizations” for some mages, he originally confirmed on July 10.
But wait, there’s a little more: For the first time in half a decade, the developers are focusing on jungle’s red and blue buffs, with one getting damage nerfs and the other changing the way its ability haste will work.
For skins, one Star Guardian skin has landed and several lucky champions have gotten spectacular Soul Fighter skins.
And, alongside that, League‘s newest champ Naafiri is here.
What’s in League Patch 13.14?
League‘s 164th champion, Naafiri, debuts
Naafiri and her Dune Hounds are here, bringing all the mobility and burst any League assassin player could ever need and even adding a pack of hounds as her main damage dealer. Does it really get any cooler than that?
The arrival of this new champion on July 19 marks the second time a new character has debuted in season 13. On the lore side of things, Naafiri is the fourth playable Darkin in the Runeterra franchise behind Aatrox, Rhaast (most people I know actually call him Kayn though), and Varus.
I’ve had the new League hound’s champion interactions on repeat since they dropped, so definitely give them a listen:
One of my Dot coworkers has actually already put together all The Hound of a Hundred Bites’ interesting new abilities too, if you want to read them.
In particular, I have been really enjoying her Call of the Pack ultimate.

Riot comes back from League break swinging
Yep, you read that right above; there are nearly two dozen champion and item changes in League Patch 13.14. Naafiri may be the headliner, but Riot is also trying to make up for their (very reasonable) holiday break and want to really put a dent in the metagame on Summoner’s Rift.
First up, the nerfs. I got away unscathed when it comes to the characters I play, but you probably haven’t been quite so lucky—Hecarim, Jax, Karthus, Kindred, Milio, Rell, Rengar, Rek’Sai, and even Sion are all being nerfed. There are also several adjustments for Yorick.
On the other side, Riot has shipped buffs for Aatrox, Diana, Lissanda, Shaco (his AD build), Shyvana, Volibear, Xerath, and Zyra.
For more details there, you can read on here:
- Average win rates can’t save Sion, Rengar, and 7 more champions from League nerfs
- Aatrox, Xerath among 8 champions getting buffs after League break
- Riot is finally working on League jungle buffs after 4 years without changes

Five Soul Fighter variants, Senna joins Star Guardians
Five League champions got skins for the huge Soul Fighter event which landed on Summoner’s Rift in July, including Lux, Pyke (who also gets a stylish Prestige style), Sett, Samira, and new character Naafiri. Samira’s Soul Fighter variant is an Ultimate and is going to cost a hefty 3,250 RP.
Related: Samira’s much-hated League Ultimate skin gets update but ‘scam’ complaints won’t go away
On top of the Soul Fighter event variants, Black Mist-wielding, supersized-gun toting AD carry Senna also got a new Star Guardian skin.
Here are all the skins in this patch:
- Soul Fighter Lux (1,350 RP)
- Soul Fighter Naafiri (1,350 RP)
- Soul Fighter Pyke (1,350 RP)
- Prestige Soul Fighter Pyke (2,000 Soul Fighter Tokens)
- Soul Fighter Samira (3,250 RP)
- Soul Fighter Sett (1,350 RP)
- Star Guardian Senna (1,350 RP)
These skins are going live during the Patch 13.14 cycle.

League Patch 13.14 notes

Here are the official LoL Patch 13.14 notes.
- Released: Read the details here.
- Q base damage reduced from 10-90 to 10-70.
- Q total attack damage ratio increased from 60-80 percent to 60-100 percent (Riot N.B. 101 plus total attack damage is a buff).
- Q minion damage increased from 55 percent to 55-70 percent (levels 1-16).
- W shield strength increased from 40-100 (plus nine percent base health) to 45-105 (plus 30 percent ability power, plus nine percent base health).
- W damage per orb increased from 18-66 (plus 15 percent ability power) to 18-66 (plus 18 percent ability power).
- E ability power ratio increased from 50-130 (plus 50 percent) to 50-130 (plus 60 percent).
- W bonus resistances reduced from 15-35 to 5-25.
- E cooldown increased from 14-8 seconds to 15-9.
- R mana cost increased from 50 to 100.
- Q damage reduced from 45-115 (doubled when isolated) to 43-115 (doubled when isolated).
- Q monster modifer increased from 95 to 100 percent.
- E mana refund reduced from 15-55 to 10-50.
- Health increased from 580 to 610.
- Armor reduced from 26 to 29.
- Q cooldown increased from eight to nine seconds.
- Q damage reduced from 50-150 to 40-140.
- Passive no longer stops at final frames, will continue to chase enemies until detonation.
- Passive now follows enemies into brush if they were being chased.
- Passive thralls are revealed to enemies through fog of war.
- Q now slows all enemies rather than just hit the first.
- Q missile now casts from position post cast rather than pre-cast.
- R heal amount increased from 90-190 (plus 25 percent ability power)[increased by 0-100 percent based on missing health] to 100-200 (plus 55 percent ability power)[increased by 0-100 percent based on missing health](maximum value at 30 percent health).
- Area of effect damage/slow update cadence increased from 4/s to 16/s.
- R logic updated around stopping dashes.
- Passive burn damage reduced from 25-80 to 15-50.
- E move speed reduced from 15-25 percent to 12-20 percent.
- E damage changed from 55-75 (plus 85 percent bonus attack damage) to 5-25 (plus 70 total attack damage).
- W damage reduced from 55-115 to 50-110.
- Armor reduced from 39 to 36.
- Passive steal changed from three percent to two percent (max 15 percent down to 10 percent).
- Minimum armor and MR steal reduced from 1.25-3 (based on champ level) to 0.8-2 (based on champ level).
- Maximum armor and MR steal reduced from 15 percent to 10 percent.
- Q crit conversion reduced from 95 to 75 percent.
- Base health regeneration reduced from seven to six.
- Q bonus damage increased from 25-65 (plus 50 percent bonus attack damage) to 25-65 (plus 60 percent bonus attack damage).
- Backstab crit bonus increased from 40 to 55 percent.
- R bugfix: Now properly propagates Prowler’s Claw passive to clone.
- Shaco boxes will no longer instantly die to Hextech Dragon’s AoE lightning attack
- Zeri’s Q will now deal correct amount of damage to Shaco boxes.
- Q ratio increased from 20-80 percent of total attack damage to 20-100 percent of total attack damage.
- Q cooldown increased from 7-5 to 8-6.
- New Q ability: Next two attacks have 40-60 percent increased attack speed.
- E mark damage on hit changed from three percent target health to three percent target health plus one percent per 100 base attack damage.
- Passive ability power ratio increased from 40 to 50 percent.
- W missing health heal increased from 8-16 to 8-20.
- Mana reduced from 459 to 400.
- Passive cooldown increased from 12 to 16.
- Passive cooldown reduced by two seconds unit kill and procs on structures.
- R recasts increased from 3-5 to 4-6.
- R damage reduced from 200-300 (plus 45 percent ability power) to 180-280 (plus 40 percent ability power).
- R bonus damage per champion hit now 20-30 (plus five percent ability power).
- Plant damage taken from area of effect spells reduced from four to three.
- Plant damage taken from ranged autos increased from four to five.
- Plant damage to monsters changed from 150 percent to non-epic monsters to 40-100 bonus magic damage (scaling with level) to all monsters.
- W seeds on first rank up increased from one to two.
- E no longer locks out Flash during the cast.
- R cast paradigm changed from Wall to Position to Casts At Max Range.
- Missile damage update cadence increased from 4/s to 16/s.
- Zyra will now immediately cast R at its maximum range instead of walking to position where R was cast.
Axiom Arc
- Ultimate cooldown refund changed from 20 percent total to five percent plus 40 percent lethality total.
- Cooldown increased from 90 to 120 seconds.
Infinity Edge
- Attack damage reduced from 70 to 65.
- Crit damage increased from 35 to 45 percent.
Prowler’s Claw
- Lethality increased from 15 to 18.
Randuin’s Omen
- Crit reduction increased from 20 to 25 percent.
Spear of Shojin
- Cost reduced from 3,400 to 3,300.
- Health increased from 300 to 350.
Spirit Visage
- Magic resistance increased from 50 to 60.
Sterak’s Gage
- Cost reduced from 3,100 to 3,000.
- Health increased from 400 to 450.
Stattik Shiv
- Electroshock damage reduced from 350-450 to 250-350 (25 per level starting at level seven, then 12.5 from level 11 changed to 10 per level starting at level nine).
- Attack speed reduced from 25 percent to 30 percent.
Trinity Force
- Attack speed reduced from 35 to 33 percent.
- Treefold Strikes attack damage changed from four percent, five stacks to six percent, three stacks (Riot N.B. This is a buff for the first 10 attacks).
- No changes in this update.
- Duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
- Removed: Duration is no longer increased by 4-7 (based on level) seconds up scoring a takedown.
Red Brambleback
- True damage reduced from 10-78 (based on level) to 10-75 (based on level).
- Slow for melee champions reduced from 10-20 percent (based on level) to 5-20 percent (based on level).
Blue Sentinel
- Ability haste changed from 10 at all levels to 5-20 (based on level).
- New 2v2v2v2 game mode released. Players pair up in teams of two and face off in round after round of combat as they power up, with new unique Augments until only one team is left standing.
- Here is a list of all available Augments in Arena.
Soul Fighter Lux
Soul Fighter Naafiri
Soul Fighter Pyke
Prestige Soul Fighter Pyke
Soul Fighter Samira
Soul Fighter Sett
Star Guardian Senna
Bug fixes
All of these bugs have been resolved in Patch 13.14:
- The ranked game count on the end-of-game screen wasn’t reset with ranked resets. This will go into effect when Split 2 begins.
- Ivern’s W on-hit would not proc on structures
- Player’s creep score number on the scoreboard would become desynced
- Samira could recast her Q while it was on cooldown when using it immediately after her passive attack
- Several VFX issues that were occurring with Ivern
- Jak’Sho could gain Voidborn Resilience stacks while the user was dead
- Several bugs that were causing Varus’ VO update to not play correctly
- Kindred could re-mark targets before their hunt timer came off of cooldown
- Enemies couldn’t see Bard’s chimes
- Rageknife disabled Yasuo and Yone’s passives
- Aphelios’s Gravitum slow VFX didn’t correctly rotate around the target
- Samira’s taunt didn’t grant her a style point upon hitting an enemy
- Rek’Sai’s R didn’t activate Sheen
- Sylas’ E2 launches in an unintended direction
- Ornn’s Brittle attack could cancel Irelia’s W
- Teemo’s passive activation and deactivation VFX didn’t correctly appear
- Monsters repeated animations when they were knocked up
- Spear of Shojin’s passive granted some champions’ ultimates Ability Haste
- Jhin’s W VFX didn’t appear correctly if the target was displaced after being rooted
- Jungle companions occasionally didn’t kill minions that they should normally kill
- Sona’s W granted a stack of Accelerando from her passive after she purchased Moonstone
- Milio’s W triggered Guardian rune from outside of its intended range
- Udyr couldn’t proc Hail of Blades with the first E empowered attack
- Yellow trinket had an incorrect cooldown timer
Update July 19, 8:29pm CT: League patch went live.
Update July 13, 9:19pm CT: More buffs and nerfs details added, countdown to official patch release updated.
Update July 12, 8:33pm CT: Added new skins (H/T SkinSpotlights).
Update July 12, 1:04am CT: Added details for buffs and nerfs.
Published: Jul 20, 2023 1:31 AM UTC