After months of cryptic messages and teasing, the Titanfall 2 mystery seems to have reached its conclusion, but not everyone in the community thinks so. The game saw a quiet release of an anniversary update, an event on its seventh birthday. The date, Oct. 28, was teased several times, and some fans still hope there’s more to it.
The Titanfall 2 community is having the time of their lives as the game finally receives a significant update and an event after years of neglect. Last month, Titanfall 2 was finally fixed after facing prolonged issues with cheating and server instability that rendered the game unplayable.
The update, which came quietly without any official communication from devs, sparked new hopes that a sequel may be around the corner. Speculations were additionally fueled by Respawn’s cryptic messages left in an update for Apex Legends that contained release dates of Titanfall 1, 2, and Apex: Legends.
The first of the three dates happened to be Titanfall 2‘s, and it appears that what the devs were alluding to was actually an anniversary update and event, which some fans consider to be the end of the road for this mystery. The so-called janitor, a mythical creature considered to be the watchful overseer by the Titanfall 2 community, did what he could and brought the game to a stable condition.
The Titanfall Reddit community has been in disarray for the past week, as many of them held the last bit of hope that Respawn will announce Titanfall 3 on Oct. 28. Though some have made peace with reality and abandoned all hope, others still are unfaltering and believe that Respawn has more in store for the franchise.
One major thread on the r/titanfall subreddit claimed that Respawn had no need to come back and revive Titanfall 2, but they did it anyway, and that may indicate their plans to introduce a new title in the franchise. “We’re obviously getting a Titanfall 3,” reads the thread’s title. It details how Respawn left many blatant clues to the number three in their game through the recent updates.
For example, in one of the new game modes added for the anniversary event, all Titans have three health bars. The free-for-all game mode used only to have an image but now sports a description saying, “Collect 3 batteries for Titans.” The game was recently on sale for an atypical $3 USD, this being the third time it’s been on sale for that price, and so on. Respawn clearly left dozens of clues, intentionally or not, to the number three, and the last bit of the community is hanging on to them dearly.
Another thread also cropped up on the subreddit a few days ago that compiled all the clues, teases, and indications left by Respawn over the past couple of months. The evidence seems compelling but may just be coincidental.
Whatever the case, the community’s renewed hopes for the Titanfall franchise are unwavering, and it will likely remain vigilant for a long time.
Published: Oct 29, 2023 6:46 PM UTC