Team Fortress 2 is classified as Playable per Valve’s Steam Deck’s compatibility score, meaning fans of the classic first-person-shooter can give the game a go in handheld form, albeit with a few kinks Valve still needs to iron out.
Released back in 2007 and now free-to-play, TF2 was a part of the Orange Box, a video game compilation containing five games, including home runs like Portal and Half-Life: 2.
First impressions showcase a decently running game on the handheld that’s sure to get better as Valve continues to work diligently on a vast library of Playable Steam titles.
To clarify, Team Fortress 2 is deemed Playable – Not Verified. Controller functionality, controller icons, hard-to-read in-game text, and Bluetooth/USB are all stated areas from Valve requiring tune up before TF2 earns the green check mark.
Valve breaks down Steam Deck game compatibility into four categories: Verified, Playable, Unsupported, and Unknown; allowing users to find out wherever their favorite titles slot into.
TF2 isn’t plagued by Steam Deck incompatibility issues, unlike popular shooters including Halo Infinite, PUBG, Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, and Apex Legends. Third-party anti-cheat software and lack of developer support prove major hurdles for these games to port over to the Steam Deck.
Considering Valve are the developers behind TF2 and the Steam Deck, it shouldn’t be long before TF2 is fully verified.
Published: Mar 7, 2022 4:29 PM UTC