The daily Wordle can be tough to crack sometimes, especially when the chosen word isn’t commonly used in day-to-day life.
There are some ways, however, that you can make it a little bit easier on yourself when trying to solve the Wordle. And if you consistently use specific strategies, you’ll likely become a much better Wordle player as a result.
A strategy that a lot of people have already begun using is submitting a vowel-heavy first word every day. Most five-letter words have at least one vowel, so if you use a word such as “audio” to kick things off, you’ll probably find at least one letter that’s in the correct word. And even if you don’t get any letters that way, you should use “e” in your next guess since it’s very likely that the letter will be present in the Wordle.
Related: What are the best words to guess first in Wordle?
Here are some words you can use that have four vowels.
Unless you have an idea of what the word may be after your first guess, you should probably guess a very different word for your second try. Obviously, try not to use any of the letters that have already been ruled out, but you should try guessing a word with many different letters from the first word because Wordle is a game based on eliminating numerous letters. In your second guess, using common letters—S, C, B, T, P, A, and F are frequently found in Wordles—with or without your remaining vowels is a good plan to narrow down the possibilities for the word of the day.
If it wasn’t clear from the first two tips, it’s also a good idea to avoid using the same letter twice in a word (unless you have a feeling it is right, obviously). Submitting “TRUTH,” for example, is not as efficient because you only used four distinct letters.
Additionally, when you’re stumped or just need some help figuring out a letter or two, guessing a word you think is wrong or not a word at all is a valid strategy. There is no penalty for trying a word that you don’t know—if it doesn’t exist, you just have to submit a word that does. And just because a word is not common or one that you typically use, that doesn’t mean Wordle has left it out of its master list.
Finally, you should take your time when solving the Wordle. There’s no time limit other than the 24 hours before the word changes, so you should use that to your advantage. If it takes you two minutes to correctly guess the Worlde, that’s great. If it takes you 20 minutes, that’s also great. Take your time and enjoy the game.
Related: Today’s Wordle answer from Pro Game Guides
Published: Feb 24, 2022 8:33 PM UTC