Throughout your adventures in Bellwright, you’ll need to use various crafting materials, including Resin. The in-game instructions on how to get Resin are self-explanatory, but many players are reporting problems while trying to farm it.
When I first needed Resin, I checked the descriptions in the game, which made me look for Hardwood trees. I figured I could get some Resin after chopping down Hardwood trees, but that wasn’t the case at all. While this could be a temporary bug, there are a few alternative methods to get Resin in Bellwright. These should set you up until the mystery surrounding the crafting material dissolves.
Where to get Resin in Bellwright

You can find Resin in Padstow’s daily trade shop after liberating it in Bellwright. Once you liberate a town, you’ll gain access to their daily trade shop, and Padstow shelves will be filled with Resin. I recommend checking the shops in every town you liberated from since they tend to have varying supplies of different items.
If you come across a crafting item like Resin, consider replenishing your supplies to save time. Considering there’s a possibility that other towns might also have Resin in their stores, focusing on building up your strength and liberating as many towns as possible could be a valid strategy.
Bellwright’s developer, Donkey Crew, could use more methods to farm materials like Resin or fix the existing ones in future updates. At the time of writing, the methods stated in the game to obtain Resin are not working. I suspect this could be because of a bug, or the descriptions could be missing an essential detail that could make all the difference. Luckily, not many crafting materials share the same fate as Resin. For example, you can quickly get Wheat and Wheat Seeds without conquering a town.
Published: Apr 29, 2024 6:53 PM UTC