A combination of Sorcery and the fastest physical stat in the game is a surefire way to decimate foes. The Dex/Int build in Elden Ring combines the speed of weaponry with the might of magic to make a truly devastating combination. Let’s make it work.
Best stats for a Dex/Int build in Elden Ring

To optimize our starting Dexterity and Intelligence, we recommend starting as a Prisoner. This build is at level 120, though future levels can continue to prioritize these stats.
- Vigor: 40
- Mind: 21
- Endurance: 11
- Strength: 12
- Dexterity: 50
- Intelligence: 50
- Faith: Six
- Arcane: Nine
While neither Dexterity nor Intelligence reach Elden Ring‘s soft cap at 50, you do get good scaling off of our specific equipment by pumping these stats evenly. Over the next 20 levels, getting both of these stats to 60 is an excellent idea, as that will ensure you get close to maximum damage off of each weapon swing and the fastest cast speed you could ask for.
If you want to cast stronger spells, like Comet Azur, you can freely go for Dexterity 40 and Intelligence 60. This reduces scaling off of weapons like Moonveil, but allows you to use stronger Staves and Sorceries.
There are only two other stats we’re interested in for this build. Vigor is health, and you want to survive hits. 40 is one of the most optimal numbers for Vigor in the game, right before a drop-off and minor soft cap for the stat. Mind got a few levels as well, and that’s simply to let you cast a handful of additional spells before drinking a flask. And don’t forget the one Strength so you can one-hand the Moonveil Katana. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to two-hand it, which can be awkward if you want to sling spells simultaneously.
Best weapons and gear for a Dex/Int build in Elden Ring

There are two weapons to prioritize for this Dex/Int build. The first is Moonveil, a Katana with balanced scaling in Dex and Int whose Weapon Skill is a stance with multiple enders. The other is Bastard’s Stars, an excellent Dex and Int weapon with a strong area-of-effect Weapon Skill. In addition, the Academy Glintstone Staff is the strongest staff for your middle-ground Intelligence.
Both the Bastard’s Stars and the Moonveil Katana are useful for different reasons. Moonveil is acquired much earlier—just after Gael Tunnel in Caelid—and has better scaling for our balanced Dex and Int lifestyle. It also bleeds on hit, giving it some extra burst versus bosses. Bastard’s Stars is a great weapon with an arguably stronger Weapon Skill, but is usually better off for a 40 Dexterity/60 Intelligence variant. Since Bastard’s Stars does Strike damage, using it as an off-hand for enemies weak to Strike is a fine idea. It’s also much later game, requiring you take out Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, a part of Ranni’s Quest.
As for your casting implement, without 60 Intelligence, the Academy Glintstone Staff is ideal. It sports a simple high Intelligence scaling that lets us use many different Sorceries without issue. However, Lusat’s or Azur’s staves can be used with an Intelligence-boosting Helm, and those can make boss fights either faster or safer.
Best armor for a Dex/Int build in Elden Ring

The Spellblade Set is a fantastic set of armor for a Moonveil or Bastard’s Stars user, providing a small six to eight percent boost to damage for those Weapon Skills. For helmets, the Queen’s Crescent Crown is enough to use 52 Intelligence staves with the build’s current stats, but Glintstone Crowns can provide higher Intelligence at the cost of Health or Stamina.
The Spellblade Set provides lower defenses than other robes at their defense levels. But the extra damage for Magic Weapon Skills is more than enough to compensate. You can wear the full set for an eight percent bonus, or replace the helm for a six. Either way, you get these by letting Rogier die in the Roundtable Hold.
And we recommend replacing the helm, as that extra Intelligence can be very beneficial for your casting. The Queen’s Crescent Helm is enough to use both Azur’s and Lusat’s Glintstone Staves, two late-game staves able to tear through foes with magic. Alternatively, you can use the Twinsage Glintstone Crown to get even more Intelligence, at the cost of your Health and Stamina.
Best spells for a Dex/Int build in Elden Ring

The best spells for a Dex/Int build cover our range problems with quick, easy-to-cast spells. Glintstone Pebble, despite its simplicity, deals solid damage with great range while allowing you to move. Magic Glintblade messes with enemy AI in a beneficial way, letting you land hits that would otherwise be dodged, and lets you set up awkward PvP situations. Terra Magica can be used to boost magic damage, including from your weapons, to chew through health bars.
Outside of these basic magics, getting Cold Sorceries can let you cover for enemies with high Magic resistance. Glintstone Icecrag, for instance, deals similar damage to Great Glinstone Shard but can build up Frostbite, a great debuff. While your Weapon Skills usually do enough area-of-effect to clear crowds, you can use spells like Cannon of Haima, Glintstone Arc, or Founding Rain of Stars to decimate rooms.
Best Talismans for a Dex/Int build in Elden Ring

Being a magic caster is an excellent thing in Elden Ring, especially with this much Dexterity. Your best Talismans boost magic damage, sorcery damage, and defenses. You naturally have slightly low physical defense, so using Talismans to cover that weakness is an excellent idea.
- Magic Scorpion Charm: A 12 percent increase to magic damage is great, both for Moonveil and Bastard’s Stars. And all you have to do is complete most of Preceptor Seluvis’s questline.
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: This Talisman provides a 20 percent boost to all physical defenses, helping overcome the weaknesses of the build’s defenses.
- Ritual Sword Talisman: A 10 percent bonus to damage with Moonveil is no joke, though this doesn’t improve the damage of your Sorceries. And you can get this basically as soon as you get onto the Atlus Plateau.
- Erdtree’s Favor +2: These tiny bonuses to Health, Stamina, and Equip Load are great for improving your chances of survival and letting you swing for the fences. You’ll only get this after the Ashen Capital.
If you want to improve your Sorceries instead, we recommend replacing the Ritual Sword Talisman with this:
- Graven-Mass Talisman: Alongside the Magic Scorpion Charm, this Talisman boosts your magic-damage Sorceries by a massive 21 percent. You won’t get this until the Consecrated Snowfield, but it’s well-worth it at that point.
- Stargazer’s Heirloom: This item gives you more Intelligence. Alongside a Twinsage Glintstone Crown, you can get to 61 Intelligence—just enough for Comet Azur. Make sure you find the Cerulean Hidden Tear to fire a long-lasting laser.
Others Asked
What are the recommended stats for a level 120 Sword of Night and Flame build in Elden Ring?
For a level 120 build, the recommended stats are Vigor: 40, Mind: 20, Endurance: 16, Strength: 12, Dexterity: 12, Intelligence: 45, Faith: 45, Arcane: 9, with a priority on Vigor, Intelligence, and Faith.
Which stats should you focus on leveling up for the Sword of Darkness build in Elden Ring?
You should level up Vigor to 40, Endurance to 35, Strength to 40, Dexterity to 25-35, and Faith to 35, while keeping Intelligence and Arcane at their base levels.
What are the recommended stats for an Assassin build in Elden Ring at level 150?
The recommended stats for an Assassin build at level 150 are Vigor: 60, Mind: 30, Endurance: 11, Strength: 10, Dexterity: 60, Intelligence: 20, Faith: Eight, Arcane: 30.
Published: Apr 25, 2024 11:47 PM UTC