The Missing Hunter is the eighth main quest in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, as well as the definitive “now it’s personal” moment in your fight against the RDA.
This mission comes just after reaching the Aranahe Home Tree and meeting back up with Etuwa after completing Ewya’s Blessing. The quest is on the longer side, requires the completion of an investigation mini-game, and has what will definitely be your toughest fight yet. Read on to learn exactly how to complete The Missing Hunter.
How to start The Missing Hunter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Being that it is a main quest in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, you do not have to take any special steps to begin The Missing Hunter—Etuwa will automatically assign the quest to you when you complete Ewya’s Blessing. There are three stages to The Missing Hunter:
- Locating Eetu’s hideout
- Investigating and tracking Zomey
- Defending Zomey and rescuing Eetu
Because each leg of the quest has it’s own set of difficulties, I am going to separate them by sections for your convenience. That way, you can use the table of contents to jump directly to whichever section you are needing help with, or can simply follow along with this guide through the duration of the quest. Let’s get into it!
Part one—How to locate Eetu’s hideout
Your first objective after Etuwa assign’s The Missing Hunter to you is simply to ask around about Eetu’s last known location. To complete this step, you first need to head to The High Loom, a Na’vi encampment directly north of Aranahe Home Tree. If you are playing on Guided Mode, you will have a quest marker directly on the encampment. If you’re on Explorer Mode, head north and ever so slightly east of Aranahe Home Tree.

Once you arrive at The High Loom, find Vefilu on the second floor of the encampment, inside a small tent. Vefilu will hit you with some grade A Na’vi attitude, but then explain that Eetu’s hunting hideout is directly north of The High Loom, and that he should by all means be there.
The next step is simple—head directly north from The High Loom to find Eetu’s hideout. It’s only a short distance, and it’s easy to recognize by the RDA AMPs patrolling the thrashed hideout.

The location of Eetu’s hideout is called Mender’s Cave, which shows up as an on screen discovery prompt when you arrive. Deal with the RDA patrol, and you are ready to investigate the scene.
Part two—how to investigate Eetu’s hideout
After dealing with the RDA at Mender’s Cave, head inside of the small cave itself. Doing so begins some dialogue about how you need to learn what happened here and blah blah blah—Eetu is gone, and there is an investigation mini-game to complete. The investigation has six total clues that must be properly paired together to complete it.
- Link the Broken Ikran harness clue to the Scratch marks clue.
- The Ikran harness is on the ground near the front of the cave.
- The Scratch marks are in the back of the cave against the stone ledge leading out.
- Link Eetu’s headpiece with the Discarded food.
- Eetu’s headpiece is on the back of the cave on a mantle.
- The Discarded food is in the archway of the cave’s entrance.
- Link the Broken bow clue with the Dead RDA soldier clue.
- Both are near the cave’s entrance directly across from one another.
After you link all of the clues correctly, you can track Zomey’s scent out of the back of the cave. It begins just above the ledge where you found the Scratch marks clue and leads you on to the primary section of The Missing Hunter.
You only need to track the scent a short way, and then a cutscene will play just as you make your way into a clearing plagued by fire and smoke.
Part three—How to defend Zomey and rescue Eetu
When you come out of the cutscene after tracking Zomey’s scent, you have to complete what is probably going to be the most challenging fight you’ve faced yet in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. There are a handful of AMP suits of a higher ilk than anything you’ve faced yet, and even on normal difficulty settings they will totally melt you.
I suggest using height to your advantage and taking out all of the RDA infantry first. They die in one bow shot, but they deal almost as much damage as the AMPs do, making it well worth it to focus them down first.
If you need some extra juice to finish out the fight, you can find some extra Dapophet Pods on the right side of the battlefield near a puddle.
How to rescue Eetu
Now that you have dealt with the RDA, approach the fallen dragon ship. Listen for Eetu’s voice calling out to you from inside the ship—somehow, he got himself stuck in there. You need to rescue Eetu from inside the ship to progress the quest, which requires soothing Zomey and then using SID to get the power back up.
Loop around and climb the rocks to reach the top of the dragon ship. The panel you need to use SID on is directly underneath Zomey, so you have to sooth her so she flies away. As you approach Zomey, look out for the on screen prompt to sooth her. Hold the button down as you approach her, and she will fly away. Now, pull out SID and complete the simple hacking mini-game. Afterwards, you just need to keep SID equipped to trace the wiring down to the right side of the dragon ship, where you will find a lever that opens the ships hatch.
The hatch will open, and during a cutscene, the RDA will do another fly-by, locking both you and Eetu in the dragon ship. All you need to do now is use SID on the small raised terminal next to Eetu. There is a time limit, so don’t dilly dally.
How to find Zomey after rescuing Eetu
Now that you have hacked the terminal next to Eetu to escape from the dragon ship, find him on the forest floor near the crash site. Eetu asks you to help him look for Zomey, and you must follow him through the jungle for a brief period before he gets too tired to carry on (he was injured during the crash).

Once Eetu stops, it is up to you to find Zomey’s scent once again and locate her nearby. Finding the scent is simple, and if you visually trace its path, you can see that Zomey is just ahead at the top of a little craggy outcropping.
Rather than following the scent trail directly, you should loop around to the left, where you can reach the raised rocky area by climbing up some giant tree roots. Because you won’t be following the scent trail directly, it is important that you use your Na’vi Senses to keep an eye on Zomey—she still has the green outline, so you can see her through walls as you approach.
After you find Zomey, a cutscene will play. I’m not going to spoil what happens during that cutscene, but all you need to do now is walk away. After about 50 meters, The Missing Hunter will be completed.
Published: Dec 14, 2023 10:35 AM UTC