V.VII Swinburne is a boss fought in the third chapter of Armored Core 6. While not particularly challenging, the boss can be tricky to get to and beat, especially if you aren’t prepared for what’s coming.
Preparing for the fight
The only gear we recommend equipping for this fight is tetrapod legs, which allow players to float in the air longer and support heavier weapons.
Other than that, while not necessary for this fight, it’ll also be helpful to have heavy missile launchers equipped on the back of your AC. The tetrapod legs will support them and are great for quickly dispatching the boss.
How to get to V.VII Swinburne in AC6

Now you’ve got your gear set, the most important thing about this sortie mission is that the first half requires stealth. Failure to be stealthy will lead to an immediate game-over screen, so you’ll have to be careful.
To avoid getting caught, we advise sticking to the left side of the level and staying in the air for as long as possible. We didn’t get spotted doing this. It is still possible to be spotted by an enemy mech, so if or when you do, you can either destroy them quickly or simply take cover on or behind a nearby building, whichever works best.
You’ll know you’re about to be spotted when you see a yellow box with “Alert” written on the top on the left side of your screen. If you see this warning, it’s best to take cover.
Keep heading towards the mission marker while being careful not to get spotted, and you’ll eventually get to V.VII Swinburne.
How to beat V.VII Swinburne AC6‘s chapter three boss

This fight isn’t particularly challenging, especially compared to the bosses you’ve already defeated. Most gear that has worked for you so far should also be sufficient. An important thing to note is Swinburne will mostly stick to the sky, consistently launch missiles at you, and will try to get in close for melee attacks. To counteract this, stick to the sky as much as possible and keep returning fire.
Related: Armored Core 6: How to beat chapter two boss Sea Spider in AC6
As long as you don’t stay too close and are constantly keeping pressure from afar, you should keep his stagger meter full and get his health down quickly.
Final tips for beating V.VII Swinburne in AC6

It’s worth noting he’ll ask you to stop attacking and talk it out when you get his health down to about fifty percent. You can either choose to comply or continue your assault, but complying means you’ll have to fight a different opponent called Rokumonsen. This boss is significantly more challenging, and they heal a lot more.
Published: Aug 28, 2023 12:39 am