If you choose to pursue The Fires of Raven ending in Armored Core 6, you’ll come to oppose your long-time ally and Rubiconian, Ayre. She will stand before you as the final boss of this route, forcing you into a long, intensive fight between former friends.
But Ayre won’t go down without a fight and is a potent adversary in AC6, making for a very tough battle. This is how to best your former companion and achieve this somber ending to AC6’s campaign.
Beating Ayre in AC6, a guide

Defeating Ayre is all about reacting to her telegraphed attacks. If you can understand and identify her tells, it makes minimizing the damage you receive from her much, much easier. At the start of her fight, she loves to strafe side to side, shooting large lasers in your direction or firing an array of homing missiles. After a couple of strafes, she stops and rests for a moment—giving you the perfect opportunity to destroy her shield and put her in stagger.
The attack you most want to look out for in the early phase is her sword slash. When she leans her shoulder forward—like how you might bend over to tie your shoes—that’s when you need to quick-boost backward or take to the air. Sometimes, she’ll even zip behind you in an instant, at which point she will either sword slash or fire missiles.
She’ll start behaving differently once her health drops to about two-thirds. She’ll frantically zip around in the air: That’s your cue to take to the sky. She’ll be firing explosive Coral blasts towards the ground that will melt your health if you are in the vicinity.
Even if you manage to endure this attack, Ayre won’t give you a moment to relax. Her follow-up attacks include various lasers and even more homing missiles. While dodging is critical to your survival, never stop shooting at her. She won’t let up until she’s at half health.
At the halfway point of the battle, Ayre introduces the final attack in her arsenal. She’ll swing her sword from far away, sending a massive wave of Coral energy your way.
The good news is, you’ve now seen the entirety of her kit. Remember, if she zips once behind you, that means a sword slash or missiles. If she zips several times in the air, that’s a massive explosion attack. The only main difference between her final phase and the first half of the fight is she’ll no longer pause and wait between attacks and won’t strafe normally anymore.
Once you succeed in taking out Ayre, you’ll earn yourself The Fires of Raven ending. You’ve eradicated the Rubiconians and destroyed an ally who’s guided you throughout the campaign. I just hope you’re proud of yourself.
Published: Oct 5, 2023 10:59 PM UTC