The Scarlet Monastery is a hub of instances in World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery, with the Armory being just one of four. Despite being the shortest instance in the Scarlet Monastery, this area is still jam-packed with loot.
World of Warcraft Classic contains dozens of iconic dungeons, however, few remain as beloved as the Scarlet Monastery. The Armory is an incredibly important dungeon for melee DPS and tanks as the final boss, Herod, drops some of the best loot for the level 37 to 40 range.
I typically find that the Armory is both the shortest and easiest instance in Scarlet Monastery, which makes it all the better to farm if you’re looking for one specific drop from Herod. If you want to see what loot awaits you before jumping into the Armory, here’s everything that you need to know.
How to get to the Scarlet Monastery Armory in WoW SoD

The Scarlet Monastery is found in the northeastern corner of Tirisfal Glades. For Horde players, this is conveniently close to both the Undercity and Undead starting zone with a direct path leading to the dungeon hub.
For Alliance players, you’ll likely need to travel south from Dun Morogh to get to the start of this instance. Once inside the Scarlet Monastery, you’ll need to clear out a few normal trash mobs, ascend upstairs, and enter the instance in the far right corner of the room.
WoW Classic SoD: Scarlet Monastery Armory loot table
The Scarlet Monastery Armory is the shortest of all dungeons in the Scarlet Monastery hub, meaning it also has the least amount of unique loot. If you’re an Arms Warrior like me, this actually comes as a benefit as it means that you can repeatedly farm this dungeon fairly often if you’re trying to get items such as the Ravager.
Herod stands as the only boss in this dungeon. Although Herod is a tough boss to finish out this short, linear jog, he’s easily defeated so long as players stay out of his whirlwind attack in phase two. Below is all the loot you can find on Herod and the quests surrounding Herod.
Item Type | Item | Where to find | Stats |
Helm | Raging Berserker’s Helm | Herod | 213 Armor +13 Strength Eight Stamina Unique: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by one percent. |
Shoulders | Herod’s Shoulder | Herod | 196 Armor Six Strength +15 Stamina |
Legs | Scarlet Leggings | Herod | 233 Armor +20 Strength +10 Stamina |
Two-Handed Axe | Ravager | Herod | 104 – 157 Damage Unique: You attack all nearby enemies for nine seconds causing additional weapon damage. |
One-Handed Sword | Sword of Omen | Reward for “Into the Scarlet Monastery” Quest (Horde exclusive) | 39 – 74 Damage +9 Strength Three Agility Four Stamina |
Off-Hand | Prophetic Cane | Reward for “Into the Scarlet Monastery” Quest (Horde exclusive) | Five Stamina +12 Intellect |
Neck | Dragon’s Blood Necklace | Reward for “Into the Scarlet Monastery” Quest (Horde exclusive) | +12 Stamina Five Spirit |
One-Handed Sword | Sword of Serenity | Reward for “In the Name of the Light” Quest (Alliance exclusive) | 46 – 86 Damage Nine Stamina Four Spirit |
Two-Handed Axe | Bonebiter | Reward for “In the Name of the Light” Quest (Alliance exclusive) | 105 – 159 Damage +20 Strength +10 Stamina |
Dagger | Black Menace | Reward for “In the Name of the Light” Quest (Alliance exclusive) | 31 – 58 Damage Unique: Sends a shadow bolt at the targeted enemy to deal an additional 30 Shadow damage. |
Off-Hand | Orb of Lorica | Reward for “In the Name of the Light” Quest (Alliance exclusive) | Six Intellect +11 Spirit |
Again, the Armory’s loot is very much weighted toward DPS melee classes and tanks. Even the majority of the quest rewards for slaying Herod tend to give gear based on Strength and Stamina, but if you’re looking for more caster-appropriate gear, then the Graveyard or Library might be what you’re looking for.
Published: Mar 20, 2024 5:55 AM UTC