World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery phase three is on the horizon, with the Sunken Temple raid, Dual Specialization, and the entirely new Nightmare Incursion event fast approaching. Even before phase three launches, there’s plenty to learn about the new PvE event.
In World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery phase three, Nightmare Incursion will begin to pop up as a frequent PvE world event. Interacting with this event will teleport you to a freshly corrupted zone and give you the chance to defeat enemies in exchange for top tier loot.
If you’re looking to catch up fast in phase three, then it appears Nightmare Incursion will be a way to fast track alt leveling. Below is everything we currently know about the Nightmare Incursion PvE event.
What are Nightmare Incursions in WoW SoD?

Nightmare Incursions are world events in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery wherein you are transported by one of four Emerald Portals to a corrupted zone. Ashenvale, Duskwood, the Hinterlands, and Feralas are the four zones that are occasionally afflicted by a Nightmare Incursion.
Once transported into this corrupted realm, you’ll be tasked with fighting off treants, dragons, and other denizens of the Emerald Nightmare leaking out into Azeroth. There’s plenty of choice with this world event, as you can take it on solo or with a group.
It’s not exactly clear what completing this event entails, whether it’s an objective based mode or free-for-all frenzy, but more details will likely release closer to phase three’s launch. For now, we do know there is an SoD exclusive faction coming, dubbed the Emerald Wardens.
Nightmare Incursion rewards in WoW SoD

Along with XP, players that participate in Nightmare Incursion will receive reputation with the Nightmare Wardens. This faction runs the PvE event and can sell players gear and weapons that are helpful from levels 20 to 50, the max level for phase three.
Currently, we don’t know all the materials the Emerald Wardens will sell, but we’ve seen glimpses of powerful end-game items and entire PvP sets. You can start farming for these rewards whenever Season of Discovery phase three goes live on April 4. This is also only the second major event coming in phase three, alongside the Blood Moon.
Published: Mar 28, 2024 9:40 PM UTC