World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery devs added a ton of new and cool abilities to the game—from Metamorphosis for Warlocks to Quick Strike for Warriors. But not everyone knows how to go about learning these new abilities.
In total, each class has 12 new abilities during Season of Discovery phase one. Runes are tied to your gear slots, and right now, you can only use three Runes. So, you have to carefully mix and match your runes to your talents to have a perfect build, appropriate for all occasions in Season of Discovery. Besides all that, Runes are an entirely new concept in WoW Classic and it might not be the easiest task to figure them out.
Here’s how you can unlock new abilities, or Runes, in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
How can you unlock new abilities in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?
You can unlock new abilities in WoW Classic Season of Discovery by completing various quests, looting chests, farming reputation, interacting with different mobs in the world, and defeating never-before-seen bosses. Each class has 12 new abilities during the first phase of Season of Discovery, and are guaranteed to get more further down the line. This means each Rune, or new ability, is unlocked differently, but either way, you get the Rune, use it, and that unlocks it once and for all.
Where can you find all your new abilities in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

All your unlocked new abilities are under your character information tab. There, you can mix and match all abilities as you like, read through abilities, and keep track of the Runes you’ve collected so far.
Unfortunately, you can’t keep track of all the abilities you haven’t collected so far, but UI tells you how many you’ve collected.
Do you have to relearn abilities if you change them in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?
No, you don’t have to relearn abilities if you learn them once. After you find and learn them once, they are unlocked for all times. You can easily swap between abilities as you’d like.
Published: Dec 5, 2023 2:53 PM UTC