Throughout World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery phase one, Warriors have remained near the bottom of the DPS rankings. With the right talents and runes, however, Warriors can be just as competitive as any melee class.
Since Season of Discovery phase one traps characters behind a level 25 lock, Warriors do not have access to most of the class’s late stage abilities. Due to this, melee classes across the board have struggled, with the Warrior particularly falling behind.
I do not expect the Warrior to stay at the bottom of the pack for long, as potential future phases might help unlock this class better. Until then, here are the best picks for class’s build in Season of Discovery.
Best Talent Builds for Warriors in WoW SoD

Warriors can play two roles in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery: DPS and tank. Though Season of Discovery is all about unlocking new class potential, I am doubtful that we will ever see a healer Warrior role.
Currently, the best DPS build for Warriors is two-handed Arms Warrior. Several integral talents, such as Two-handed Specialization, cannot yet be accessed due to the level 25 cap, but it is still the best route to go, as dual-wielding in Fury does not quite stack up. Of course, if you are playing a tank, then you need to focus on the Protection talent tree. Below are our picks for the best talents for both specs and roles:
- DPS Warrior
- Improved Heroic Strike (Arms) – 3/3
- Improved Rend (Arms) – 3/3
- Improved Charge (Arms) – 2/2
- Deep Wounds (Arms) – 1/3
- Tactical Mastery (Arms) – 2/5
- Cruelty (Fury) – 5/5
- Tank Warrior
- Shield Specialization (Protection) – 5/5
- Improve Bloodrage (Protection) – 2/2
- Toughness (Protection) – 3/5
- Last Stand (Protection) – 1/1
- Improved Shield Block (Protection) – 1/3
- Defiance (Protection) – 4/5
Best Runes for Warriors in WoW SoD
Runes are a new mechanic which can add new abilities, alter existing ones, or fundamentally change the role of your class. Warrior’s runes largely stand to improve their ability to deal damage or manage threat better.
Much like your talent tree, the runes you decide to pursue as a Warrior will likely depend on your role and playstyle. Below are our picks for the best Warrior runes for both DPS and tank specs:
- DPS Warrior
- Flagellatio (Chest)
- Gives a 25-percent bonus to physical damage dealt for 12 seconds after activating Bloodrage or Berserker Rage.
- Quick Strike (Gloves)
- An instant physical attack with a two-handed weapon that deals weapon and additional attack power. Triggers the effects of Heroic Strike.
- Consumed by Rage (Legs)
- Enrages you and grants an additional 20-percent increase to melee damage for 12 seconds, or up to 12 swings.
- Flagellatio (Chest)
- Tank Warrior
- Warbringer (Chest)
- Charge, Intercept, and Intervene can now be used in combat in any stance and will remove impairing effects whenever used.
- Devastate (Gloves)
- Sunder Armor deals 60-percent extra weapon damage increased by six percent per stack whenever you are in Defensive Stance with a shield equipped.
- Furious Thunder (Legs)
- Thunder Clap now increases the time in between attacks and deals 50-percent increased threat.
- Warbringer (Chest)
Published: Dec 11, 2023 05:32 pm