With a new phase of the WoW Classic Season of Discovery comes a new lineup of content, most notably, all-new dungeons to tackle for you and your friends.
Whether you’re looking for some quick and easy experience while leveling in phase two of WoW Season of Discovery or you’re in the endgame of the season’s second level band and are beginning the gearing process before entering the Gnomeregan raid, you’re going to be running dungeons pretty extensively during this phase.
It’s time to say goodbye to dungeons like Shadowfang Keep, the Stockades, and the Deadmines, and instead move on to some tougher challenges. Here are all of the dungeons you’re going to encounter during phase two of Season of Discovery, both during the leveling section of the season and its endgame.
Notable leveling dungeons in WoW SoD phase two

The two dungeons you’re going to be encountering during the leveling process of SoD phase two are Razorfen Kraul and the Scarlet Monastery. Keep in mind that the Scarlet Monastery will remain relevant well past level 40, so even though you encounter its first wing, the Graveyard, relatively early on in your late 20s, you’re going to continue running the Monastery and all four of its wings throughout most of the leveling process, as well as the endgame in phase two. There is just so much gear that’s relevant in Scarlet Monastery that keeps it in the loop for so long. Chances are, you’re going to be coming back to the Scarlet Monastery time and time again, so you should familiarize yourself with its bosses and the loot tables in each of its wings.
WoW SoD phase two endgame (level 40) dungeons
Once you hit level 40 in phase two of SoD, you’ll gain access to two more dungeons: Razorfen Downs and Uldaman. These two dungeons are meant for characters in their early to mid-40s, so you might have a little bit of trouble running them. But if you’re well-geared with the stats of a character that outpaces the level 40 cap, you should be fine running these two dungeons. An additional dungeon, Zul’farrak, is also available to try but the high level of enemies and bosses (45 to 48) in that one might make it borderline impossible unless your group is a little goated.
Published: Feb 8, 2024 8:38 PM UTC