World of Warcraft Dragonflight has reworked many existing mechanics and structures, such as skills and professions. But it also brought several new additions to Blizzard’s long-running MMO. Among the most highly anticipated new features released with Dragonflight is dragonriding. Naturally, the first thing Dragonflight players are looking for is where to customize their dragon to their liking.
Separate from normal mount riding, dragonriding offers far more dynamic movement and speed. Players also have significantly more control over their given dragon’s design and customization. If players are unsatisfied with how their dragon looks, they have the ability to completely rework its design.
If you’re hoping to change things up on your recently acquired dragon mount, look no further.
Where to change your dragon’s appearance in WoW Dragonflight
There are four different locations that players can visit to change the design of their dragons. All four of these locations are found across the Dragon Isles, the new zone introduced in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Before being able to customize their dragons, players will need to fully unlock the zone and their dragon first, which can be done by progressing through the first major region.

While completing the first major quest chain, players will acquire their dragon, unlock dragonriding talents, and learn how to navigate around the isles by air. Shortly after this, players will also gain access to dragon customization.
To customize your dragon, players will need to find a Rostrum of Transformation. Each one of Dragonflight’s new regions has one Rostrum of Transformation, being identified by a large portal-like structure on the ground.
Customize your dragon in Dragonflight at these coordinates
These are the coordinates for all four Rostrum of Transformation locations:
- Thaldraszus, Valdrakken – 25.24, 50.33
- The Waking Shores – 74.03, 58.13
- The Azure Span – 63.61, 13.21
- Ohn’ahran Plains – 84.64, 35.55
After reaching one of these locations, all players need to do is interact with the structure. From here, dragon riders can modify every aspect of their dragon from snout to eye color. Unlike other character customization, changing your dragon’s look is free of charge.
Related: All Dragonriding drake customizations in WoW Dragonflight
Published: Dec 5, 2022 9:08 PM UTC