Blizzard is adding new craftable tailoring items to World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, which could spell disaster for casters trying to get their BiS gear.
On Dec. 19, the Blizzard devs announced they are tweaking a few things in the upcoming weekly maintenance scheduled for Dec. 20. Among the few class tweaks, two new tailoring recipes will be added to the game: the Invoker’s Cord and Invoker’s Mantle.
- Tailors may now learn and craft Invoker’s Cord and Invoker’s Mantle. Both grant additional spell damage and healing. These recipes can be purchased from Borya in Orgrimmar or Elynna in Darnassus
It isn’t clear exactly how powerful these new items will be, but one thing is for sure—players want them, and some are already lined up and waiting for them.

What has us worried is how these crafting items are obtained. The NPCs that sell these items already sell limited-time recipes that refresh every two hours. If this is true for the new items, they will only make the SoD phase one economy more unstable. If these crafting recipes are limited, those lucky enough to obtain them can put them on the auction house and demand ridiculously high prices. In turn, this will only be another drop in the bucket of an already inflated economy.
The economy of WoW Classic SoD is already in a rough state. Crafting reagents, armor, and items needed for rune engravings are in high demand. This, in turn, caused their prices to skyrocket across SoD’s auction houses to the point where some of us have given up on ever obtaining said items.
To get a Paladin rune, for example, players need to have 16 Shredder Turbochargers, which are crafted by Engineers. One of these Turbochargers currently costs one gold and 50 silver, which is extremely expensive for WoW Classic prices. Players either need to grind for days or change crafting professions to obtain certain items.

The WoW Classic loot system only contributes to this problem. Obtaining loot in dungeons and raids is often based on luck, and some players either don’t have the time or the patience to do the same dungeon multiple times until they finally get what they want.
We’ve already seen a similar situation with Waylaid Supply boxes. These boxes are needed to unlock rune engraving for all classes. Initially, players could turn the half-empty boxes for 100 reputation points, which wasn’t a lot. To get up to 500 reputation points, players had to fill the boxes with various crafting and gathering items. These items became extremely expensive at the auction house, so many had given up on ever obtaining them. Blizzard later patched this problem by reducing the reputation requirement to only Friendly and increasing the reputation gain of half-empty boxes to 200. We imagine the same could be done with the new Invoker items.
In the end, it all boils down to the fact that the loot system in WoW Classic SoD isn’t ideal. Players need to grind for hours to afford specific items from the auction house or get lucky with item drops. Blizzard already has a better loot system in WoW Dragonflight, which, while not ideal, is still miles ahead of what WoW Classic offers. It’s no wonder that so many players wanted WoW Classic Plus.
Hopefully, Blizzard will make some changes to how loot works in WoW Classic SoD before the community gets fed up with the game.
Update Dec. 20 08:00am CT: The recipes sold by vendors aren’t limited. As of now, both the Invoker’s Cord and Invoker’s Mantle can be bought for around one gold and 50 silver at the auction house. However, prices for the actual materials are increasing. We’ll keep an eye out and post if anything changes
Published: Dec 19, 2023 11:21 AM UTC