The Maw of Souls is one of the fastest dungeons to complete in World of Warcraft history.
With just three bosses to its name, the Maw of Souls can be speedran for transmog items and achievements. If you’re trying for achievements like “Glory of the Legion Hero,” you’ll have to go back to the Maw of Souls.
Thankfully, unlike some of the other dungeons from the Legion expansion, the Maw of Souls is relatively easy to get to. Here’s how to reach the entrance to the dungeon.
Where is the entrance to the Maw of Souls in WoW?

To get to the Maw of Souls, head to Stormheim on the Broken Isles. The Broken Isles are accessible via your Dalaran Hearthstone, or by way of a portal to Azsuna found in the portal room of your faction’s capital city (Orgrimmar or Stormwind).
The flight path that’s closest to the dungeon’s entrance is Valdisdall, just south of the Halls of Valor. Regardless of where you’re coming from, you’ll have to head deep into the fog-ridden subzone of Tideskorn Harbor, which is located in the center of Stormheim. The coordinates to the Maw of Souls entrance are [53, 46].
There is no special marker for the Maw of Souls entrance. The portal that leads into the dungeon can be found along a path on the side of a cliff in Tideskorn Harbor and can be entered from either its southern or northern side. The first third of the dungeon is also replicated in the open world, so if you find yourself in the area that looks familiar to the spot where you’d find Ymiron inside the instance itself, you can head south down a nearby road and enter through the portal to start the dungeon.
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Completing the Maw of Souls takes about five minutes, and once you run through the dungeon, you’ll be able to transport yourself back to the start of the dungeon and run through the entrance portal again to get back into the open world.
Published: Jun 12, 2023 8:11 PM UTC