Professions in World of Warcraft Dragonflight have changed completely, and now you have to worry about profession stats, gear, talents, and crafting orders. Since everything profession-related is far more complex, so is the crafting.
In the latest WoW expansion, crafted gear plays a huge role in your gearing process since you can craft high quality and item level weapons, trinkets, and gear. On top of that, that same gear can be upgraded using Spark of Dreams.
How to craft gear in Dragonflight

The first and most important step when crafting high-quality gear is to get your hands on the essential reagent for crafting—Spark of Dreams. Every WoW Dragonflight season, there is a new item like this and in Season three, it’s the Spark of Dreams.
Each week you’ll get one Splintered Spark of Dream from the weekly ‘A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens’ quest in the Emerald Dream. When you combine two of them, you’ll get one Spark of Dream. Normally, you’ll need only one Spark of Shadowflame for crafted gear, but if you want to craft a weapon, you’ll need two.
The next step in your crafting process is deciding the top-priority items. Typically, you want to start with crafting your weapon and then move on to trinkets, necks, and leg pieces. After that, you want to visit an auction house and buy the necessary reagents or farm them yourself if you have the time and patience. You don’t need to provide all reagents, but the crafters are more likely to pick up your order if you provide them.
Then, you want to go to the Crafting Orders station in Valdrakken at the 35.65, 61.12 coordinates and set your order. You can set your order to Public, Guild, or Private. If you set it to Public, any crafter in the region can pick up your order, Guild orders are limited only to your guild, and Private orders can only be accessed by the player who received the order.
When crafting high-quality gear, you normally want to have your designated Blacksmith, Jewelcrafter, or Alchemist who can craft that piece of gear and later upgrade it. You could also have one of these professions yourself and remove the middleman. As an Enchanter I can tell you that it feels good to craft Sparks of Dreams without paying a fee.
If you don’t have any friends or guildmates who can help you with that, turn on the Trade Chat, and there you’ll find various crafters offering their services. Also, make sure not to overpay the order. If you’re providing the materials, the reasonable price would be up to 5,000 gold, but it will largely depend on the crafter’s proc chance to craft the highest quality item. Normally, crafters have around a 40 percent chance to proc the highest quality, and many crafters might offer free recrafting until you get a rank five item.

Once you have all that ironed out, talk to any Crafting Orders NPC, choose the item you want to craft by typing in the name in the search bar, and then select it. Then, choose the Spark you want to use, and add optional reagents which include item-level increasing reagents, missives with secondary stats, and Embellishments. Finally, set the desired item quality and commission and click Place Order. After the order has been fulfilled, it will arrive in the mail.
Just to make sure you completely understood the process, here’s a streamlined and abridged version of everything explained above:
- Obtain Spark of Dreams
- Do some research and select the most important crafted item you need right now
- Buy or gather necessary reagents (if you don’t want to provide reagents, give a generous tip)
- Go to Crafting Orders in Valdrakken at 35.65, 61.12 coordinates
- Set your order by talking to the NPC, selecting the desired item, and adding the reagents and optional reagents
- Set the desired level of quality and commission
- Click Place Order
- Wait for the crafter to finish the order and pick it up from the mailbox once it arrives
Published: Nov 24, 2023 5:11 AM UTC