Crafted items are as important as they’ve ever been in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2, and similar to previous patches, there’s a “spark” item you’ll need to farm to create powerful gear.
The Spark of Dreams in Patch 10.2 is similar to the Spark of Shadowflame from Patch 10.1 as it will be a key ingredient in crafting gear that will eventually fill out your build this season.
To get one Spark of Dreams, you’ll need to collect two Splintered Sparks of Dreams and combine them into the crafting reagent you’ll eventually use in all of your armor and weapon recipes this season. Luckily, the process for obtaining a Spark of Dreams is incredibly easy.
Here’s how to get one a Spark of Dreams during the first week of WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2.
How to get Splintered Sparks of Dreams in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2
The first step to getting a Spark of Dreams in WoW Patch 10.2 will be unlocking the new hub area in the Emerald Dream, Amirdrassil. Once you’ve progressed the campaign to a point where you’ve unlocked this small “base camp,” speak with Lady Moonberry—yes, the same Lady Moonberry from the Heart of the Forest back in Shadowlands—to acquire the quest “Dreams Unified.” This quest will require you to find one Splintered Spark of Dreams, and she’ll reward you with another one for getting the first one.

The easiest way to get a Splintered Spark of Dreams is to complete the weekly quest called “A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens.” This quest requires you to earn 1,500 reputation with the Dream Wardens during the first week of Patch 10.2, which can very easily be done by progressing the Guardians of the Dream storyline, or by completing world quests in the Emerald Dream. Regardless of how you accomplish your reputation farming goals, you should be able to complete this quest relatively quickly, so long as you’re completing content in the Emerald Dream. You’ll be able to gain access to both of these quests after completing the first two chapters of the new patch’s storyline.
Completing the Patch 10.2 campaign all the way through this week will net you enough renown with the Dream Wardens to get two Splintered Sparks of Dreams. Essentially, all you have to do to get your first Spark of Dreams this season is complete open-world content in the Emerald Dream.
I completed all four of the currently available campaign chapters this week and worked my way up to Renown level five with the Dream Wardens after just about four hours of playtime. That time was spent running the campaign, completing world quests (as well as side quests), and defeating rare enemies. That combination of activities consistently increased my reputation, and the reputation tokens I earned along the way were a massive boost to the speed at which my Renown increased.
We recommend progressing the Guardians of the Dream campaign all the way through anyway as you’ll be primed for next week when more chapters unlock alongside the Amirdrassil raid. Having a head-start on both reputation rewards and crafted gear will be a much-needed bonus for your character when the third season of the expansion begins on Nov. 14.
Published: Nov 9, 2023 01:06 pm