Though World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic retained many features from the beloved expansion, Blizzard has gradually added new features to freshen up the re-released content. Titan Rune Gamma and Beta and Alpha dungeons are an example of a new concept being implemented into this WoTLK Classic.
Released in phase two, Titan Rune dungeons provide both a more challenging dungeon experience as well as a catch-up mechanic for players looking to get raid-quality gear. Essentially a Heroic Plus addition to WoW Classic, Titan Rune dungeon enemies deal more damage, have more health, and boast new mechanics.
Whenever you approach the entry to a dungeon on Heroic, you will be given the choice between Defense Protocol Alpha or Defense Protocol Beta. Like many others, I was completely unaware of what either of these meant. If you are looking to learn the difference between these two options, this is what you will need to know.
Differences between Titan Rune Gamma, Beta, Alpha in WoW WoTLK explained
The difference between the Titan Rune Alpha and Beta options is simply a matter of difficulty. Titan Rune Beta typically provides the more challenging of the two experiences, further increasing enemy damage, health, and the effects of unique mechanics.
Titan Rune dungeon rotation and effects
Here are the effects and differences between Alpha and Beta dungeons:
Dungeon | Alpha | Beta | Gamma |
Utgarde Keep | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Melee attacks can trigger Glaciate to a random target. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Melee attacks can trigger Glaciate and Fire Blast to a random target. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent, and melee attacks have a chance to Glaciate and Fire Blast a random target. |
Utgarde Pinnacle | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Melee attacks can trigger Glaciate to a random target. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Melee attacks can trigger Glaciate and Fire Blast to a random target. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent, and melee attacks have a chance to Glaciate and Fire Blast a random target. |
Azjol-Nerub | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Attacks can trigger Web Wrap on a target. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Attacks can trigger Web Wrap on a target. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 260 percent, and attacks have a chance to Web Wrap a victim. |
Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Attacks can trigger Web Wrap on a target. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Attacks can trigger Web Wrap on a target. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 260 percent, and attacks have a chance to Web Wrap a victim. |
Drak’Tharon Keep | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent 100 percent Lifesteal whenever standing in Blood of the Loa. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent 100 percent Lifesteal whenever standing in Blood of the Loa. | Damage increased by 70 percent. Health increased by 305 percent. 100 percent Lifesteal when standing in Blood of the Loa. |
Gundrak | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent 100 percent Lifesteal whenever standing in Blood of the Loa. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent 100 percent Lifesteal whenever standing in Blood of the Loa. | Damage increased by 70 percent. Health increased by 305 percent. 100 percent Lifesteal when standing in Blood of the Loa. |
Halls of Stone | Damage increased by five percent Health increased by 190 percent Pulsing Saronite Corrupted Titan energy increases enemy damage by one percent and damage taken by two percent for every stack. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 580 percent Titan energy increases enemy damage by one percent and damage taken by two percent for every stack. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 880 percent, and pulsing Purified Titan energy that increases player damage done by one percent per stack for 12 sec. Perhaps enough energy will grant assistance from the Keepers themselves. |
Halls of Lightning | Damage increased by five percent Health increased by 190 percent Pulsing Saronite Corrupted Titan energy increases enemy damage by one percent and damage taken by two percent for every stack. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 580 percent Titan energy increases enemy damage by one percent and damage taken by two percent for every stack. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 880 percent, and pulsing Purified Titan energy that increases player damage done by one percent per stack for 12 sec. Perhaps enough energy will grant assistance from the Keepers themselves. |
The Nexus | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Attacks can summon Mirror Image of the caster. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Attacks can summon Mirror Image of the caster. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent and attacks have a chance summon Mirror Images of the caster. |
The Oculus | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Attacks can summon Mirror Image of the caster. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Attacks can summon Mirror Image of the caster. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent and attacks have a chance summon Mirror Images of the caster. |
The Violet Hold | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Attacks can summon Mirror Image of the caster. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Attacks can summon Mirror Image of the caster. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent and attacks have a chance summon Mirror Images of the caster. |
The Culling of Stratholme | Damage increased by 30 percent Health increased by 100 percent Damage attacks can infected players with Zombie Plague. | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Damage attacks can infected players with Zombie Plague. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent, and damaging attacks can infect victims with the Zombie Plague. |
Trial of the Champion | N/A | Damage increased by 40 percent Health increased by 120 percent Spectators appear more fired up than normal. | Damage increased by 70 percent, health increased by 215 percent, and spectators look to be more fired up than usual. |
The Forge of Souls | N/A | N/A | Unknown |
The Pit of Saron | N/A | N/A | Unknown |
The Halls of Reflection | N/A | N/A | Unknown |
Loot table
Each type of Titan Rune dungeons has its own unique loot table. While Alpha dungeons award Emblems of Conquest and Valor and the final bosses drop 213 item level loot from 10-man Kel’Thuzad, 10-player Malygos, and 10-player Sartharion, Beta dungeons offer 226 item level gear. Finally, Titan Rune Gamma dungeons have 245 item level gear from the Trial of the Crusader 25-man raid.
While Titan Rune Alpha dungeons don’t have any special currency tied to it except for Emblems of Conquest and Valor, other two dungeon types have their own unique currency. Titan Rune Beta dungeons drop Sidereal Essence, and Titan Rune Gamma dungeons have Defiler’s Scourgestones.
Published: Oct 10, 2023 9:00 AM UTC