World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery phase two is in full swing, and Blizzard Entertainment is already making plans for the end-game content updates in later stages.
In Blue Post on Feb. 27, Blizzard said two major changes are coming in the next phases: the raid size will be changed to 20-player and more item tweaks are inbound.
The next update, phase three, will increase the level cap to 50 and the raid size from 10 to 20. All raids in Season of Discovery have been 10-player, including Gnomeregan and Blackfathom Depths. Many players believed Blizzard would continue this trend coming into other phases of Season of Discovery.
Besides this, the first raid available at level 60, Molten Core, will reduce from 40 to 20-player. There’s a chance other raids available at level 60 will get their size trimmed down, but this has yet to be confirmed.
“While overhauling all 40 player raids down to 20 would be theoretically possible, this may be prohibitively difficult and detract significantly from the other features and content we have planned to implement in a post-60 Season of Discovery,” the post reads.

Another major change coming in Season of Discovery at level 60 is items. Blizzard plans to rework items from raids and dungeons and add new ones. The devs also plan to change raid difficulty, but not in a conventional way. Zul’Gurub, for example, will become more challenging but offer better rewards.
Unfortunately for players, these are the only details Blizzard shared at this moment. The devs will unveil more details about level 60 end-game content close to the next phase.
Published: Feb 28, 2024 10:12 AM UTC